Author Topic: Muslim Sex Groomer was Unaware UK Didn’t Allow Raping 13-Year-Olds  (Read 484 times)

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Muslim Sex Groomer was Unaware UK Didn’t Allow Raping 13-Year-Olds

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 26, 2015 @ 12:46 pm In The Point | 1 Comment

This seems to be a serious and ongoing problem with Muslims in the UK, Australia, New Zealand. The only alternative may be to ask them to stay in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc to avoid any more rape misunderstandings. (via Religion of Peace)

A pedophile illegal immigrant who had sex with a 13-year-old girl claimed he was not aware it was against British “cultural norms”, a court has heard.

Married father Zia Maroof Khail, 29, carefully groomed the victim and fooled her into believing they were “boyfriend and girlfriend”.

Khail, originally from Afghanistan, persuaded her to meet him at his home twice a week, said Mark Lamberty, prosecuting.

He sexually abused her there, and had sex with her in an alleyway and at her own home.

“He was abusive to her if she refused to co-operate in sexual conduct,” Mr Lamberty added.

His sex crime came to light when the girl made a complaint about other men she said had abused her.

Police tracked Khail down using DNA evidence which matched his on a database at Colnbrook Immigration Centre, Heathrow, where he was waiting to be deported.

He told officers he did not think he had done anything wrong because he was not aware of the “cultural norms” in Britain.

Specifically raping non-Muslim unattended teenage girls is not against Afghan Muslim cultural norms. Which is a problem for any non-Muslim country they visit.

Simon Mintz, defending, said Khail’s jail term would be “harder to bear” because of his lack of English. He added: “But bear it he must.”

Or the UK could just deport him now. On a plane. From 10,000 feet in the air.

But it seems that Khalil had enough English when he was pursuing a teenage  girl. He’ll manage in prison which is full of Muslims these days because of their “unawareness of cultural norms” about rape, drug dealing, terrorism, etc

The cultural norm excuse has been accepted by some judges though.

A Muslim pedophile in Nottingham was given a suspended sentence after he claimed that he had attended a Muslim school where he was taught that women are worthless.  Adil Rashid told a psychologist that his Muslim school had taught him that, “Women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground.”

Esmatullah Sharifi, an Afghan refugee, offered an Australian woman a ride home and then put his right hand around her neck and his left hand over her mouth and raped her. Sharifi’s lawyers claimed that due to cultural differences he was confused about the nature of consent.

This wasn’t Sharifi’s first misunderstanding of the difference between rape and sex. He had already been sentenced to 7 years in jail for raping an Australian teenager on Christmas Day in 2008.

The sentencing judge rejected Sharifi’s excuse, but a court of appeals judge found that claiming cultural differences was a valid basis for an appeal.

Islamic law. You may not be interested in it, but it’s interested in you. And very interested in your daughter.

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