Author Topic: After Whoring For Capitol One, Alec Baldwin Slams Big Banks  (Read 410 times)

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After Whoring For Capitol One, Alec Baldwin Slams Big Banks
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:19:06 pm »
After Whoring For Capitol One, Alec Baldwin Slams Big Banks

By Brian Anderson, January 26, 2015.

Last week Hollywood assclown Alec Baldwin came to the defense of his assier clownier liberal brother-in-arms Michael Moore after the later essentially called American Sniper Chris Kyle a coward. Baldwin’s defense was a huge fail, but it pales in comparison to the one he issued Sunday. The man mostly known as Capitol One’s #1 whore somehow tried to stick up for anti-American Moore by slamming the big banks.

The hypocrisy is so thick with this one you could cut it with a Ginsu knife. Alec Baldwin sent out a tweet saying: Americans should be more offended by this: (he provides a link to a JP Morgan story) Than this: (he provides a link to Michael Moore’s FaceBook page in which the portly communist reiterates his position that he thinks all snipers are cowards.

Now, this JP Morgan article by the New York Times is basically about the company’s chief executive complaining that regulations and government intervention are hurting their bottom line. So Baldwin is saying we should be more offended by big banks trying to turn a profit than a big bleep trying to turn our stomachs.

Like a good liberal progressive douchebag, Baldwin posted this JP Morgan link because he thinks big banks are the enemy of the people. And that brings us to his ultimate hypocrisy moment. Baldwin, if you will remember, was paid huge sums of money to do years of TV commercials for Capitol One, a big f*cking bank!


By some reports, Baldwin made $15 million over five years for asking, “what’s in your wallet?”

Capitol One Financial Corporation is a Fortune 500 company and the 8th largest bank in America. Elizabeth Warren would trade in her faux Indian headdress to scalp these palefaces. Apparently, big banks are only bad when they aren’t lining Baldwin’s pockets.

Interestingly enough, Capitol One refused to renew Baldwin’s contract following the 2013 incident where the sensitive liberal physically attacked a photographer and called him a “c*cksucking faggot.” It was this same incident that got Baldwin fired from MSNBC.

Suddenly this makes sense. Baldwin hates big banks because they don’t tolerate his violent and homophobic tendencies. It has nothing to do with how they do business. It’s all about him.

In a final dick move by the king of dicks, if you will notice, the link to the NYT JP Morgan story is behind a paywall and requires a paid subscription to read. Only an elitist bleep would express his outrage by linking to an article the commonfolk can’t read.

It’s hard to tell if Alec Baldwin is a hypocrite with a lack of self-awareness, or just a complete moron. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he is both. If you are going to be offended at something, at least make sure it’s not something that put $15 million in your bank account.

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« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 12:19:52 pm by rangerrebew »