Author Topic: Hamas Supporters Urge American Sniper Director/Star to Condemn “Hateful Rhetoric”  (Read 218 times)

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Hamas Supporters Urge American Sniper Director/Star to Condemn “Hateful Rhetoric”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 25, 2015 @ 8:05 pm In The Point | 6 Comments

What time is it? It’s time for the ADC, the group best known for censoring the Disney movie Aladdin, to play victim.

In open letters released earlier this week, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) said there has been a spike in violent threats against Muslims due to the film that portrays the story of an American sniper during the Iraq war.

The organisation, which describes itself as the largest Arab civil rights organisation in the US, said it had collected “hundreds of violent messages targeting Arab and Muslim Americans from movie-goers”, mainly from Facebook and Twitter.

The letter asked Eastwood and Cooper to speak out against such messages “in an effort to reduce the hateful rhetoric”.

“Your visibility, influence, and connection to the film would be a tremendous force in drawing attention to and lessening the serious dangers facing the respective communities,” ADC president Samer Khalaf wrote.

Samer Khalaf was most recently in the news when he was defending a terrorist who had participated in a supermarket bombing and claimed that her offense was “non-violent”.

The ADC has a long history of supporting terrorists and their “hateful rhetoric”.

In 1994, then-ADC President Hamzi Moghrabi said, “I will not call [Hamas] a terrorist organization. I mean, I know many people in Hamas. They are very respectable … I don’t believe Hamas, as an organization, is a violent organization.” Two years later, his successor, Hala Maksoud, defended Hamas’ partner in Mideastern terrorism, Hezbollah. “I find it shocking,” Maksoud said, “that [one] would include Hezbollah in … [an] inventory of Middle East ‘terrorist’ groups.” In 2000, new ADC President Hussein Ibish characterized Hezbollah as “a disciplined and responsible liberation force.” James Abourezk called Hamas and Hezbollah “resistance fighters.”

Can someone from the ADC speak out against itself? Their visibility, influence and connections would be a tremendous force in lessening the dangers of Islamic terrorism.

And speaking of hateful rhetoric, there was the time the ADC decided to honor Helen Thomas.

Prominent Jewish voices are speaking out against the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee’s (ADC) decision to honor former White House reporter and harsh critic of Israel, Helen Thomas, with their Mehdi Courage in Journalism award.

Thomas came under fire earlier this year when she told Rabbi David Nesenof, the founder of, at a Jewish heritage event at the White House that Jews need to “get the hell out of Palestine.” As to where they should go, Thomas said “Poland, Germany . . and America, and everywhere else.”

No hateful rhetoric to see here.



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