Author Topic: Dem Gov Told Nat Guard NOT to Protect Ferguson Businesses from #BlackLivesMatter Looters  (Read 342 times)

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Dem Gov Told Nat Guard Not to Protect Ferguson Businesses from #BlackLivesMatter Looters

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 23, 2015 @ 9:25 am In The Point | 14 Comments

This is a familiar story. In New York City, Mayor  Dinkins ordered the NYPD to give Sharpton’s mobs a day of grace to loot and kill. Democrats don’t like to offend their own base.

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles told local FOX 2 anchors late on Monday night, November 25, 2014, that he had repeatedly requested the National Guard during the rioting and looting… But his requests were ignored by state Democratic leaders.

The email also made reference to a request to Gov. Jay Nixon to place the National Guard in front of Ferguson police headquarters on the date of the grand jury announcement. “Apparently the guard will not move to the FPD per the governor,” the email said.

Knowles and others were critical of the decision not to have the Guard in place in Ferguson at the time of the announcement, after a dozen area businesses were destroyed in fires during protests.

Small businesses are not the Democratic base.


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