Author Topic: Obama SOTU Speech Full Of Lies; Even Liberal Commentators Crying Foul  (Read 432 times)

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Obama SOTU Speech Full Of Lies; Even Liberal Commentators Crying Foul

By Joseph R. Carducci, January 21, 2015.

As I reported earlier, Obama was planning to use the forum he was granted in giving his annual State of the Union speech (SOTU) as a way to try and force the conversation and debate for the 2016 presidential race. While he might have done this to a degree, it was not nearly as good of a performance as I had hoped.

Even Liberals Can’t Buy Obama’s Lies

In fact, Obama said so many lies, half truths, and untruths during this speech that even the normally apologetic liberal media commentators could not pretend to accept. One area of stark contrast between what Obama said and what the media thought is in foreign policy, specifically the war against the Islamic State. Here is a video that shows the disconnect between Obama and commentators Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell, last night on MSNBC:

I also found it interesting that Matthews brought up the point about how Obama still won’t call this group the Islamic State, preferring instead the term ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The Levant, by the way, includes Israel. This means Obama is referring to the aspirations by the Islamic State to eventually take control of the entire region, including Israel.

Obama Disconnected From the Real World

Both commentators also found Obama to be disconnected from the real world. Listen to Andrea Mitchell once again:

“I think that on foreign policy, his projection of success against terrorism and against ISIS, in particular, as I said, is not close to reality. They have not come up with a strategy, and they’ve built a global coalition, but again, he’s talked about Ukraine, he’s talked about Putin being isolated…but at the same time there’s renewed fighting in Donetsk, and we haven’t figured out Ukraine, we haven’t figured out how the NATO alliance can push back….So you’re right, Chris, it doesn’t match the reality.”

It was also notable that Obama never even acknowledged he put his agenda firmly on the chopping block and it was rejected by the voters in the midterms. Not only was it rejected, but it was completely rejected. Instead, he called on Congress to engage in bipartisanship. Of course we all know that to Obama bipartisanship really means nothing more than “help me finish ramming my agenda down the throats of the American people!”

If even MSNBC is now no longer pretending and covering for Obama and all his failures, this is big news. They have been a very reliable partner and network water carrier, doing everything possible to cover and make excuse after excuse, helping Obama to sell his whole agenda of failure.

Of course, Mitchell is right. There is no strategy for battling the Islamic State. We are simply going through the motions of a few series of tactical moves through proxies. All these will accomplish is to harass the terrorists and possibly compel them into taking more direct action against the West. The Obama Regime is not even willing to properly identify the real enemy as Islamic terrorism and radicalism.

Additionally, Putin isn’t really isolated. He is making new deals all the time. He has entered an agreement with China for massive currency swaps outside of the dollar. He is also lining up nations like Brazil to try and form an alternative to the US dominated IMF and financial system. Putin is making new alliances all over the world, especially Iran and among the various radical groups throughout Europe.

What do YOU think? Surprised that MSNBC has finally told Obama he is ‘disconnected from reality?’ How about his claims of foreign policy successes during the SOTU speech?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 12:51:41 pm by rangerrebew »