Author Topic: 2,000 People Killed in Nigeria as “Allah has Commanded Us in His Book”  (Read 353 times)

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2,000 People Killed in Nigeria as “Allah has Commanded Us in His Book”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 21, 2015 @ 5:17 pm In The Point | 15 Comments

Nothing to do with Islam. Not a thing. (via Religion of Peace)

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau has claimed responsibility for the mass killings in the northeast Nigerian town of Baga and threatened more violence.

As many as 2,000 civilians were killed and 3,700 homes and business were destroyed in the Jan. 3 attack on the town near Nigeria’s border with Cameroon, said Amnesty International.

“We are the ones who fought the people of Baga, and we have killed them with such a killing as He [Allah] commanded us in his book,” Shekau says, according to a translation from Arabic provided by SITE Intelligence Group.

The video shows weapons supposedly captured from a key military base at Baga.

“This is just the beginning of the killings. What you’ve just witnessed is a tip of the iceberg. More deaths are coming,” said Shekau in the local Hausa language.

“This will mark the end of politics and democracy in Nigeria,” he warned as the country gears up for critical Feb. 14 presidential elections.

That’s what Islam does. It ends things. Civilizations. Cultures. Religion. Humanity.

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