Author Topic: Brady Campaign Thinks Boehner Poisoning Plot Calls For More Gun Control  (Read 366 times)

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Brady Campaign Thinks Boehner Poisoning Plot Calls For More Gun Control

By Brian Anderson, January 14, 2015.

Rule #1 in anti-gun insanity is everything is an opportunity to push your unconstitutional unpopular agenda. Case and point: yesterday’s arrest of a man that was planning to poison Speaker of the House John Boehner is a perfect example of why we need more gun control according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

If you recall, Michael Hoyt, a Cincinnati-area bartender, was arrested yesterday for plotting to poison Boehner. He told police that the Ohio Rep. was “mean,” “responsible for Ebola,” and “the devil.” Hoyt said he could have poisoned Boehner “many many times” while pouring his drinks.

In response to the poisoning plot, the Brady Campaign feels stricter gun control measures are warranted, because, you know, poison and guns are the same thing. The Hill reports that the campaign president Dan Gross drew the connection:

“Hopefully, the Republican Congress will heed this indictment of the Speaker’s would-be assassin as a wake-up call to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, including felons, fugitives, domestic abusers, and the severely mentally ill,” Gross said in an statement emailed Wednesday.

Not that this has anything to do with poisoning, but it’s already illegal for felons, domestic abusers, and the mentally ill to purchase or possess firearms. In fact there’s this thing called the Brady Bill, which established a background check system to prevent such people from legally purchasing guns. I wonder if Gross has ever heard of it.

Oh, he has:

“Brady background checks save lives. Brady estimates that they have blocked some 358 purchases every day to dangerous people,” said Gross.

Well, the NICS background system may stop some bad guys from buying guns, but most sales that are blocked are due to error and false positives. Even in the cases where a felon or some other banned person attempts to purchase a firearm, there is almost never an arrest, indictment, or conviction, despite the fact that it is illegal to lie on the application form or to attempt to buy a firearm when barred by law. It’s a flawed system.

Even more flawed when you consider that most criminals get their guns through illegal sales or theft; two things the background check system couldn’t stop even if it worked well.

“In order to keep our kids and communities safe, the Republican Congress needs to finish the job by expanding Brady background checks to all gun sales,” continued Gross.

Gross is using the Boehner poisoning plot to push for an expanded version of the largely ineffective Brady background system. If something doesn’t do anything to stop or curb crime, what is the point of expanding it?

As part of calling for Republicans to “finish the job” the Brady Campaign would also like to see an assault weapons ban that they lobbied hard for, and failed with, in 2103.

So to reiterate: Someone wanted to poison John Boehner and the Brady Campaign thinks that means we need an expanded background check system and an assault weapons ban. I think I finally understand the liberal gun-grabber mind. Everything is related even when they are not.

Let’s see what was in the news today. Justin Beiber accidentally crashed a gay Republican meeting so clearly we need a magazine capacity limit. Lena Dunham is still full of sh*t so open carry should be illegal in all 50 states. A llama attacked someone in Maryland; we better ban handguns just to be safe. It must be fun to be this disconnected from reality.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 10:52:17 am by rangerrebew »