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Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:34:15 am »
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Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement

Posted By Jim Fletcher On January 15, 2015 @ 12:20 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 3 Comments

Lynne Hybels discussing Israel security barrier.

The tentacles of anti-Jewish fervor are seemingly everywhere. Not even the American Church is immune from the sickness of anti-Semitism, and tracing the networks can be a fascinating exercise. They are so diverse, and so unequally yoked in various ways. But they are all linked by a dislike of Jews and Israel.

I live in a small town in the American South. A few years ago, I stopped at a convenience store and noticed on the counter a tabloid newspaper. I picked up a copy and when I got home, realized it was a white-supremacist rag, liberally sprinkled with anti-Jewish propaganda. In fact, it felt a lot like classic, medieval anti-Semitism, which never really went out of style.

So it is that I spend much of my time now researching the decline of Israel support, specifically within American Evangelicalism, once a stronghold of support for the Jewish state.

From visits to captured Palestinian weaponry and propaganda literature displayed in Israel, to sitting in on evangelical leadership conferences that feature anti-Israel speakers, watching the erosion of support for Israel is jarring.

A friend sent me a link recently to a blog, “Mondoweiss,” which claims to be

“a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective.”

This particular link featured an essay by Marc Ellis, the retired professor (Baylor University) who now is able to devote more time to his anti-Israel obsession, including routine comparisons between Israel and the Third Reich.

Leading was an endorsement from none other than Dr. Cornel West:

“Anytime I think of my brother Marc Ellis, I think of quiet dignity, spiritual integrity, moral consistency, fierce fortitude, and an unstoppable determination to tell the truth, expose lies, and bear witness.”

The title of this particular piece, “Burning Children: A Jewish View of the War in Gaza,” tells you all you need to know about Ellis’s view of Israelis. What I find especially notable is the similar tone to that of pieces penned by “evangelical” leaders like Donald Miller and Lynne Hybels.

Therein lies a most interesting link.

Miller, an author of some fame (“Blue Like Jazz”), and Hybels, co-founder of the powerful Willow Creek Association, have both spoken at Catalyst conferences. Catalyst staff and organizers work hard to present the organization as the evangelical leadership conduit. The powerful networking features three large conferences each year (in southern California, Dallas, and Atlanta, thus blanketing the country), where an eclectic bunch of center-left speakers engage 50,000 senior pastors and other church staff. The Catalyst database features many thousands more pastors who receive resources.

At Catalyst Atlanta, in 2012, Hybels spoke, and the title of her talk, “We Belong to Each Other: Americans, Israelis and Palestinians for Peace,” implied a non-violent form of protest of the “occupation,” yet she decried the presence of the IDF in the territories, spoke of the negative impact of the security fence, and alleged that Palestinians lack water sources. Her slide titled “1967 Six-Day War” stated: “Israeli Military Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza begins.”

All standard PLO fare.

Hybels isn’t the only Palestinian advocate to address church audiences. At the 2011 meeting of the Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding (EMEU) in California, Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer spoke; Sizer is perhaps the biggest critic of Israel and its friends — notably, Christian Zionists — in the world.

The entire conference was devoid of any context: no mention of the Arab invasion of Israel in 1948, or the context of the Six-Day War or ’73 War. Additionally, several anti-Semitic undertones were evident. Near the conclusion of the conference, Don Wagner (formerly a professor at Chicago’s Northpark Seminary) told what some described as a joke:

“Several of the Christian Zionist Republican candidates were told by the media just before a debate that Gaddafi had been shot through the temple.” “Oh, my God,” said one, “I didn’t know he was Jewish!”

Such talk is becoming standard at Christian conferences around the country.

In 2011, Catalyst invited Cornel West, the radical Princeton professor, to address its Atlanta gathering, via video link.

How odd, I thought. Why would ostensibly evangelical leaders invite a man who describes himself as a “non-Marxist socialist”?

(You know what that means, don’t you? He’s a Marxist.)

So I asked Catalyst director Brad Lomenick. Four times.

No answer.

Finally, I asked him in person at Catalyst Dallas in May 2014. He passed me along to the new director, Tyler Reagin, who, as it turns out, also didn’t have the time to answer my question.

Catalyst doesn’t want rank-and-file evangelicals figuring out what some of us who have attended conferences already know: they are left-wing.

Consider the intro to West’s bio from 2011, posted on the Catalyst site:

“Cornel West is a prominent and provocative democratic intellectual.”

In David Horowitz’s book, “Radicals,” he discusses the vapid nature of West’s resume. Would that the evangelical Christian leaders mainstreaming West knew this.

Instructive for these evangelical leaders is Horowitz’s observation of West cloaking himself in religious language:

A tireless self-promoter, West habitually refers to himself and his work as “prophetic” (e.g., “I am a prophetic Christian freedom fighter”), and has put the words “prophetic” or “prophesy” in the titles of four of his books, including a collection of casual pieces and book reviews he called Prophetic Fragments, as though Ezekiel was his soul mate and the parchments containing his wisdom had been eaten by the sands of time.

This is an important point because Cornel West is at best a radical socialist, yet Christian leaders are embracing him. It has been announced that West will speak at the “Justice Conference” in Chicago in June, along with mainstream evangelicals Lynne Hybels, Bob Goff, and Louie Giglio. This is shocking, given the alleged ideological divide between evangelicals and leftists.

It is the empty nature of West’s accolades that rankles true evangelicals, who recognize the left’s infiltration of the community. As Horowitz notes:

Who is this man who has been elevated to such prominence by cultural arbiters high and low? His newly published autobiography, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud (and don’t even attempt to parse that title), answers the question with an epigraph, which is a citation from himself:

“I’m a bluesman in the life of the mind, and a
 jazzman in the world of ideas.”—Cornel West

Like many sentences West writes, this catchy phrase is a substitute for thought that does not make any sense. “But what does it mean to be a bluesman in the life of the mind?”

Good question, but it doesn’t matter to Christian leaders determined to expose young leaders and laypersons to leftist ideology. Further, West’s anti-Semitic ties are deeply disturbing.

“Radicals” clues us in on West’s view of Jews:

He was a celebrity sponsor of the 2012 “Global March to Jerusalem,” an attack organized by Islamist Iran on the Jewish state. He has been a frequent speaker at the black liberation church of another sponsor of  the Global March, Jeremiah Wright, the notorious anti-Semite and race-hater whom West regards as “my dear brother” and “a prophetic Christian preacher.”

What conservatives need to understand is that these demonstrations of hate mongering are no longer confined to the academic community. They are now being mainstreamed even to the Bible Belt. Consider that Donald Miller has written about Israel, even accusing the IDF of war crimes (murdering Palestinian women and children), and Hybels traverses the country speaking up for the Palestinian narrative.

Truly, the research presented in Paul Kengor’s important book, “Dupes,” rings true. For 80 years, totalitarians (mostly the Soviets) worked long and hard to undermine American from within. While we were watching our shores, we didn’t realize that the corrosive effects of Marxism were permeating our universities and even seminaries. They have now reached full flower, which bodes ill for freedom-loving Americans and their close friend and ally, Israel.

The biggest under-reported story in America today is the co-opting of the evangelical Christian community by the Palestinian propagandists. It will get worse.

In this brave new world, we find ourselves oppressed by the views of West targeting the West.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 02:36:16 pm »
What I find especially notable is the similar tone to that of pieces penned by “evangelical” leaders like Donald Miller and Lynne Hybels.
I never heard of them, nor Catalyst, but I think the author's use of quotation marks around the word evangelical means he doesn't believe the title of this piece. He seems to be saying that these Cornel West fans probably are not evangelicals, so it isn't true that their anti-Israel stance is a reflection of the evangelical movement. So where, exactly, is this alleged creeping anti-Israelism?
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 03:48:38 pm »
Evangelicals have always viewed Israel as a means to an end not a full faith partner.  Ann Coulter spilled those beans enough years ago.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2015, 05:33:17 pm »
I'll have to look up that Ann Coulter thing, ONC. Thanks for the tip.  As usual, I suspect any broad generalization on the subject  isn't accurate, though I do agree with what one person said: Ann Coulter doesn't speak for anyone other than Ann Coulter.

I know some evangelicals who love Israel dearly and probably would die for her, but there well may be others who do see that nation as a means to some end.  :shrug:
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2015, 08:07:37 pm »
I'll have to look up that Ann Coulter thing, ONC. Thanks for the tip.  As usual, I suspect any broad generalization on the subject  isn't accurate, though I do agree with what one person said: Ann Coulter doesn't speak for anyone other than Ann Coulter.

I know some evangelicals who love Israel dearly and probably would die for her, but there well may be others who do see that nation as a means to some end.  :shrug:

I think a lot of evangelicals believe that supporting Israel is a Biblical mandate.  For many it's theological, not political.

And definitely not what I would call a 'means to an end.'

btw, love the quote on Coulter.   :beer:
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2015, 08:13:17 pm »
I think a lot of evangelicals believe that supporting Israel is a Biblical mandate.  For many it's theological, not political.
Quite agree.
 I have a feeling some writers also may be confusing Israel haters like Jimmy Carter with the average evangelical on this issue.  :shrug:
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2015, 09:23:28 pm »
Quite agree.
 I have a feeling some writers also may be confusing Israel haters like Jimmy Carter with the average evangelical on this issue.  :shrug:

Probably right.

Carter has been an albatross around our necks since he first claimed he was one of us.

Little did we know then how much of a cracked socialist/anti-Semite he was.    **nononono*
Character still matters.  It always matters.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2015, 10:38:40 pm »
I think a lot of evangelicals believe that supporting Israel is a Biblical mandate.  For many it's theological, not political.
Indeed, and it's a misguided one at that.

For if one is a true Christian, they should understand that God has no special favor on the Jewish people. The Jews of the Old Testament may have thought so, but every last benefit to being born a Jew died on the cross with Jesus. If one is to believe that Israel is for God's chosen people, then the land is for Christians, those who accepted His son, not those who, as the Jews did, rejected His son.

That being said, Israel means more to the Jews than it does to the Christians, and so I doubt God will condemn us for allowing them use of their ancestral home. As God did many times during the Old Testament, He shall judge them according to their deeds and against their adherence to His law.
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2015, 11:03:19 pm »
Indeed, and it's a misguided one at that.

For if one is a true Christian, they should understand that God has no special favor on the Jewish people. The Jews of the Old Testament may have thought so, but every last benefit to being born a Jew died on the cross with Jesus. If one is to believe that Israel is for God's chosen people, then the land is for Christians, those who accepted His son, not those who, as the Jews did, rejected His son.

That being said, Israel means more to the Jews than it does to the Christians, and so I doubt God will condemn us for allowing them use of their ancestral home. As God did many times during the Old Testament, He shall judge them according to their deeds and against their adherence to His law.

Ummm, Christianity is a scrap that falls from the table.  Christ came for the Jews.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2015, 12:56:13 am »
There are many Christian and Jewish groups that are very much anti-Israel. This is by no means anything new. You just have to look at who they are, what their goals are (donations?), and which denomination they represent.
I have seen more than one TV preacher argue until they were blue in the face that Jesus was not Jewish. So, there's that out there.
The term "Evangelical Movement", is so broad as to be meaningless. I do not know what this term even means. Evangelical is like anything else with religion, there are a thousand different definitions and interpretations, and a thousand different sects with their own view of religion.
Of course some of them will be anti-Israel. So what? That is just the way it goes.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 01:54:12 am by 240B »
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2015, 02:56:41 am »
Ummm, Christianity is a scrap that falls from the table.  Christ came for the Jews.
He came from among the Jews, not solely for them.
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2015, 04:21:39 am »
He came from among the Jews, not solely for them.


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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2015, 05:13:52 am »
It would be far easier to find anti-Israel sentiment in an American Jewish Synagogue that in an Evangelical church.  I’ve attended Evangelical churches all my 56 years here in the Northwest, and I have never heard anything but love for Israel, and support for its people.  Granted if you search hard enough, maybe in some backwater communities still with people that have racist blood from their grandfathers still racing through them, you may find spots of it, here or there. But this story trying to pain the Evangelicals as moving away from supporting Israel is dead wrong. 
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2015, 05:29:20 am »
Christian denominations supported both sides of the slavery issue in America, notably the Southern Baptist's support for slavery.

Just because it is a church, doesn't guarantee perfect morality.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2015, 01:13:35 pm »
Just because it is a church, doesn't guarantee perfect morality.
Amen to that. As many have said, going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger. 

Some denominations' "official" positions are dead wrong on many issues (I speak of my own church, the PCUSA, and its own hostility to Israel) but there still are many individuals within the denomination who hold quite the opposite position.
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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2015, 03:51:26 pm »
He came from among the Jews, not solely for them.

Thank you for saying this.  It's a critical distinction.

I'd like to add to the discussion that, in the book of Revelation, it seems clear that God is going to give Israel plenty of time to "come home."  They are still the people with whom He had His first Covenant.  Yes, they have rejected Him (though not all, I might add.  There are Messianic Jews, or "Completed" Jews all over the world), but they will be given the opportunity before the end to return.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2015, 12:07:14 am »
Thank you for saying this.  It's a critical distinction.

I'd like to add to the discussion that, in the book of Revelation, it seems clear that God is going to give Israel plenty of time to "come home."  They are still the people with whom He had His first Covenant.  Yes, they have rejected Him (though not all, I might add.  There are Messianic Jews, or "Completed" Jews all over the world), but they will be given the opportunity before the end to return.

In accordance with the new and everlasting covenant, would not God give all "plenty of time to come home"?

Serious question.  Thanks.

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Re: Creeping Anti-Israelism in the Evangelical Movement
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2015, 12:46:58 am »
In accordance with the new and everlasting covenant, would not God give all "plenty of time to come home"?

Serious question.  Thanks.

Clearly a serious question, Right.....

It's an interpretation of Revelation (one of many, and they're all 'educated' [or some not so educated] guesses), since it's prophesy, and no one really knows.

One theory is that the Christians will be Raptured after the Second Coming of Christ, and the Jews will be left and given an opportunity to come to Christ in the "New Jerusalem."  The temple will be rebuilt and the nation of Israel will be reestablished.

I have only a cursory understanding of the Book of Revelation, and stay as far away from arguments about it as I can, but it is one viable theory as to how the end times will occur, and is believed by several large Protestant denominations.

I actually believe that God does give us all time to come home.  He is not willing that ANY should perish.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 12:47:36 am by musiclady »
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.