Author Topic: Holder: We Can’t Stereotype, But There’s Some People We’re Looking At  (Read 359 times)

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Holder: We Can’t Stereotype, But There’s Some People We’re Looking At

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 12, 2015 @ 9:13 am In The Point | 16 Comments

Official White House photo by Chuck Kennedy

I’m guessing veterans and Tea Party members.

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Attorney General Eric Holder was asked if there are any terrorist sleeper cells currently in the Untied States being monitored.

He assured the host “we don’t stereotype,” but he added “we are constantly looking at those people.”

Holder said, “Well, one of the things that we are constantly doing is looking at the body of people who we are concerned about in the United States, use legitimate means to monitor their activities. We don’t stereotype, but we are constantly looking at those people to make sure that we are doing all the things that we can to keep the American people safe.”

I’ve seen corporate damage control statements after a major oil leak that were less vague and evasive.

Holder is looking at people, their bodies, the bodies of people, whom he is concerned about, to make sure that all the things necessary are being done. Don’t ask for details. It probably involves shipping them assault rifles.

Since Holder doesn’t stereotype, we have no actual basis on which he might be concerned about the body of this unknown people whom he is concerned about. But I’m sure insomniacs who were in the military, Tea Party members and that guy in Congress who called Obama a liar top the list.

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