Author Topic: Why is Hillary Clinton Silent on Paris Attacks?  (Read 357 times)

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Why is Hillary Clinton Silent on Paris Attacks?
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:37:08 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Why is Hillary Clinton Silent on Paris Attacks?

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 12, 2015 @ 9:05 pm In The Point | 46 Comments

Hillary Clinton is largely running based on her, failed, time as Secretary of State. Not long ago her people were promising a more vigorous foreign policy. But after all this time, she hasn’t even bothered to make the most basic statement about the Paris terror attacks.

In the original primaries, Hillary boasted that she would be there to take 3 AM phone calls. Meanwhile days later, she still can’t even comment on the attack.

We’ve slammed Obama before for his inattention and laziness, but Hillary Clinton seems to be even worse. And Benghazi is a reminder of how her sloppiness and inattention to important details already cost lives.

Jake Tapper slammed Obama and GOP candidates for not going to Paris. He left out any mention of Hillary. Of course she didn’t have to fly to Paris, but she could have at least issued a boilerplate statement.

In the past Hillary was criticized for delaying a statement as long as possible in order to take the safest position, but how controversial is a generic condemnation of terrorism?

Hillary Clinton endorsed Obama’s illegal bailout of the Castro regime. This should be a no brainer.

After all the hype about Hillary’s Twitter account, there were two Tweets on it last month, both for charities. So much for her claims to want to emphasize social media.

No one is asking Hillary to march in Paris, but she could at least have put out a two sentence statement. It’s the kind of thing you do if you want to be president.


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