Author Topic: Kosher Supermarket Jihadist May Have Planned Jewish School Massacre  (Read 357 times)

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Kosher Supermarket Jihadist May Have Planned Jewish School Massacre

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 11, 2015 @ 3:45 pm In The Point | 11 Comments

The New Nazis. Just like the old Nazis.

It has been revealed that terrorist Amedy Coulibaya, who murdered four people in a kosher supermarket in Paris on Friday, may have planned to attack a Jewish school just one day earlier.

Maps with the locations of Jewish schools on them were found in his car.

On Thursday, Coulibaya shot and murdered a female police officer who was responding to a car accident. Investigators now suspect that he had been planning to attack a Jewish school located a short distance beyond the site of the crash.

The policewoman’s death had caused confusion, as it was not clear why Coulibaya would have traveled from his own neighborhood to the district of Mountrouge to shoot a random police officer.

“Everyone thinks he was on his way to the school,” an employee at a bakery near the site of the shooting told the British Guardian.

In 2012, a terrorist attacked a Jewish school in Toulouse, murdering four people. The victims were a father and his two young sons, and an 8-year-0ld girl.

If this is true then it appears that Amedy Coulibaya had gone out of his way to pursue Jewish targets.

Coulibaly himself said in a phonecall to BFM TV that the three terrorists had synchronised the attacks. He said that while Chérif and Saïd Kouachi hit the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, “I began with policemen.” He targeted the supermarket “because it was Jewish”.

That sums it up.

Jewish schools in Europe have been particular Muslim targets for a while now. Unfortunately we can’t have a basic conversation about Muslim anti-Semitism no matter how many people die.


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