Author Topic: Kosher Store Jihadist: “They Try To Make You Believe That the Muslims are Terrorists”  (Read 321 times)

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Kosher Store Jihadist: “They Try To Make You Believe That the Muslims are Terrorists”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 10, 2015 @ 7:24 pm In The Point | 12 Comments

Muslims continue to show that they have a rather different definition of terrorism than everyone else. The Muslim definition of terrorism appears to be limited to attacks on Muslims or anything that Muslims find offensive, like cartoons.

Meanwhile massacring people shopping at a Kosher supermarket isn’t terrorism. Why would you even think that, asked the guy who was massacring civilians at a Kosher supermarket.

Islamic terrorist Amedy Coulibaly tried to justify his actions to the hostages he held at a kosher supermarket.

During a five-minute rant he says: “Every time, they try to make you think Muslims are terrorists. I was born in France. If they hadn’t been attacked elsewhere I wouldn’t be here.”

… by attacked elsewhere, Amedy  meant interfering with Muslim attacks elsewhere.

He later adds: “‘I’ll tell them to stop attacking the Islamic State, stop unveiling our women, stop putting our brothers in prison for everything and anything.”

When the hostage says that they are not responsible for the actions of their government, Coulibaly says they are, adding: “You’re the ones who elected your governments, and the governments never hid their intentions to be at war in Mali or elsewhere.”

ISIS has been on the attack. The only time it was attacked was after it began carrying out literal genocide against the Yazidis, engaging in mass rape and mass murder.

On top of that ISIS made clear its intent to invade and attack any number of other places, including Europe.

Amedy also felt that the invasions of Mali, Syria and Iraq were fully justified. On the other hand people fighting back against Muslims are the real terrorists.

 You pay taxes, so that means you agree” with France’s actions in Mali and the Middle East, the apparent gunman says in the recording.

“But we have to pay,” another voice says.

The response from the apparent gunman appeared incredulous: “What? We don’t have to. I don’t pay my taxes!”

“When I pay my taxes, it’s for the highways, schools,” an apparent hostage says. “We pay our taxes but we don’t harm anybody,” a person also says.

He doesn’t pay taxes. Why should anyone else?

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