Author Topic: The Colonization of the West by the Third World: France as an example  (Read 481 times)

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The Colonization of the West by the Third World: France as an example
Posted on January 8, 2015 by HillBuzz // Hillbuzz

The media elite won’t talk about this — and they don’t use the word colonization — but isn’t that what’s happening to France and Great Britain and Germany with the Muslim takeover of block after block? The phenomenon is talked about here, in an article that talks about Muslims establishing mini-states in Paris neighborhoods. They move in, push French culture and values out, and set up their own government. The neighborhood becomes a no-go area for any non-Muslims and if you happen to be a French citizen that is robbed, raped, or murdered for crossing into this “mini-state”, then French police will not help you or arrest your murderer because that area is essentially no longer part of France…but is instead a Muslim “mini-state” where Sharia law rules the day and the politically-correct police are scared to do anything about it.

Let’s not use the word “mini-state”. That’s just stupid. Something simpler is happening and it’s pretty remarkable that the West is allowing this, but the West is being colonized by the Third World.

Muslims are setting up colonies in Western nations. Everywhere a mosque is built, Muslim colonists arrive and resettle and gradually take over more of the area around it. It’s happening in Chicago too. There’s a suburb here called Orland Park that’s being taken over, ever since a mosque was built a few years ago. Muslims apparently are required to live within a certain distance from a mosque. Which means they congregate, build their numbers, and then begin taking over. Soon, the host culture becomes afraid of upsetting them…and starts abdicating power to them. And then they become a permanent presence as a colony.

We’re past the point of stopping this or preventing the horrors that this colonization of the West is going to bring. Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, Canada, the US…the list goes on; all now have fifth columns of Muslim and other Third Worlders who have established colonies inside Western nations. These colonists — and let’s call them that, because they do not behave like traditional immigrants — are doing to Western nations what Western colonists did hundreds of years ago around the world.

I think of them as Revenge Colonists, in what I deem to be Revenge Colonialism.

The academic elite in the West have a sickness, where they believe that the West should be punished for colonizing the world. The punishment and penance is now allowing the Third Worlders to move into Western countries and take them over block by block. All white countries must now be “multicultural” until the day that “white privilege” is erased and white people become a minority in Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, the US…the list goes on.

This is the Age of Tribalism and Revenge Colonialism. Let’s call it what it is.

I don’t see DOOM! though. That’s largely because things never work out for the Left the way the Left wants…and I believe the Left is only really good at causing chaos and tearing things down, but the Left has no capacity for making a “new world order” stick.

What’s going to happen is something like this:

* One of the smaller Western countries will fall to Islam and there will be a civil war. Probably the Netherlands or Denmark. Muslims will execute the royal family and round up the elite in the country and slaughter them. An Islamic flag aspiring to be part of a Caliphate will fly over that country. This will happen in our lifetimes, in probably the next 20 years.

* There will be civil wars in Britain and France and Germany. Chaos. Bloodshed. The conquering of the Netherlands/Denmark will ignite this, as the Muslim colonies in other Western countries are inspired to try takeovers there too. I think they’ll jump the gun, though. Islam is not a religion but is instead an ideology like Nazism and it has a built-in conquest plan that’s based on incremental movements and the patience to outlive, outlast, and outbreed targeted enemies. But, modern Islamists seem to move faster in the age of Twitter and Facebook and all that…and so they jump the gun and reveal themselves (and their true intentions) before their enemy is completely weakened.

* We’ll have another World War, where it’s the West on many fronts fighting Islam’s fifth column in Western countries. This will be unlike any World War ever seen, because the fighting will be completely within Western countries, as each one fights the Islamic Fifth Column within their own country.

* There will be a decades-long period of suffering, privation, austerity, and darkness all over the world, as the West is no longer able to keep the peace and maintain stability in other places, as the West is completely absorbed with its own fight for survival against Islam.

* The United States will not be in the position to save the day as it has in the past, because the Fifth Column of Leftists here keeps weakening us by importing millions of Third Worlders into our country and onto our welfare dole. I’m not entirely sure, but I think the point of open borders and unchecked colonization of the US is to import as many poor people as possible so that America is impoverished and bankrupted. I think that’s how the Left wants to conquer us. Aside from Michigan, there’s no chance of Islam conquering any areas of the US, but as noted colonies like the one in Orland Park, Illinois are growing and I believe that’s happening all across the country. I don’t think the Left feels confident it can import enough Muslims to topple the US…but they can change American demographics enough that the US becomes kind of like Venezuela in the end. Change the culture, change the demographics, remove the United States as it exists currently and replace it with something else.

What’s the end game?

I wonder if remnants of the Soviet Union are behind all this. Remember the TV show Get Smart? In the late 80s/early 90s the show tried to come back for a revival on FOX (which lasted just a few episodes). But I remember watching the pilot. The original Get Smart was set in the Cold War…and the continuation was set after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Only, the KGB-like entity that the Get Smart characters were up against still existed. The Soviet agents just rebranded and continued their work, even if they weren’t being given official orders anymore because the USSR was gone. But they kept thinking of clever ways to destroy America and continued doing what they were trained to do.

I wonder if that’s what’s been happening here since the 1990s. The Soviet Union seeded our country with operatives. The current TV show The Americans is about this. There were moles put into positions of influence in both government and private corporations. What if after Moscow stopped issuing these people orders they just continued doing things they felt were the logical next steps…and they continued recruiting and building their networks.

By 2015, these people really have no connection or loyalty to Russia…but they just keep doing the things they do to destroy America because that’s what’s in their DNA. I think they want to watch the world burn and don’t really care about the aftermath or what comes next. I believe they just want to see if they can succeed, and they don’t know how to live any other way but to do these things.

This is like how when one issues that the Left fundraises off of is resolved, another two will sprout so that the fundraising doesn’t stop. Let’s look at the racket that is the “gay community” for instance. When I first moved to Chicago, gay groups raised a lot of money off of three things: (1) Don’t Ask Don’t Tell being repealed, (2) Gay Marriage, and (3) AIDS. In the last two years, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and Gay Marriage ended as issues in Illinois. Fundraising was obliterated. A lot of people working in political ranks lost their jobs because the issues they specialized in disappeared (like the Soviet Union collapsing). Those operatives don’t know how to do anything else but agitate, criticize, and raise money for specific causes like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and Gay Marriage.

So, now there’s a big push for young guys to not worry about AIDS and to not use condoms. There’s a huge and concerted movement to teach young gay men that AIDS is something that they should not be scared of because “a cure is just around the corner” and “AIDS meds are easy and fun to take now”. So, young guys are acting like it’s the back room at Studio 54 again. Peer pressure is mounting for them to go back to the condom-less, STD-spreading days of the 70s. Why is that? Why on Earth would anyone want another explosion of AIDS infections?

Could it be because the Left needs a new fundraising surge from gay men (and the elite who feel good about themselves for being an “ally” of the “gay community”)? There are no coincidences when it comes to the Left.

Right now, gay bars are struggling in Chicago. Some that have been open for decades have shut down. New ones that opened in their places last a few months and shutter. Millennial gays think bars are crowded and gross and they find their hookups on Grindr. The bars are big fundraisers for Democrats. As the bars lose power and status and influence, Democrats lose that gay ATM. And now suddenly AIDS is making a giant comeback. Just when Democrats need gays to coalesce again behind an issue. Just when the bars need customers to come back. Just a coincidence. Nothing to see here folks.

Will the Left succeed?

Again, I don’t think the Left will triumph in the end. But I think it will get very ugly and needless suffering will fall on everyone. This is what always happens. And it’s happening in Western countries now, but it’s not being directed by any central Leftist brain. There isn’t one person behind all of these different things. Instead, it’s hundreds or thousands of different Leftist groups and millions of Leftists who each individually see a way to profit from chaos.

With Islam, the Leftist elite see the chaos that Muslims bring when they colonize as a way to gain power. The agitation and disruption to society that Muslims create is a way for Leftists to themselves create opportunities for slipping in and enacting various things that would have been impossible for them to try if the Muslims hadn’t created the chaos and division. This is that mentality of not allowing any crisis to go to waste. Since the West is relatively safe from external foes, the Left is importing Muslims into the West to be that fifth column to cause daily chaos. The chaos is the engine of change needed for the Left to seize more power and engage in more schemes.

In the US, the chaos agent is the importation of millions of illiterate Third World peasants and criminals. The Leftists see this as a way to create new divisions and tensions, because divisions and tensions mean profits for the Left. It means jobs for the political operatives and community organizers. Look at the gay community in Chicago as an example and microcosm: when the issues that create divisions and agitation are removed and a peace and contentment falls over a community, the businesses and organizations that thrived on and drove the agitation lose power and disappear. That’s bad for Democrats. So, new issues and divisions and agitation need to be created to keep the Democrats’ fundraising rolling. Since America has no external enemies that Americans fear since the Cold War ended, the Left is creating divisions and chaos with the colonization of America by the Third World.

All of this works so long as white people stay meek little cheese-nibbling mice and are afraid to stand up to it and speak out about what’s going on. The Left gets away with this stuff so long as people in the middle class still want to have the elite’s blessing and favor. It’s shocking that this is true, but Americans are obsessed with what people think of them. They are afraid of being called names if they stand up to what the elite is doing. They see what happens to people like Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh or whoever that stand up to the Left: they don’t want to be called dumb or be mocked. They don’t want to be attacked. They are just quiet little mice who want to nibble their cheese in peace.

So, the Left wins until the cheese is threatened. I call this “dibs”. It is the single greatest revelation I ever had since moving to Chicago. “Dibs” is a Chicago concept that did not exist in Cleveland where I grew up. You do not mess with “dibs”.

Dibs is this remarkable phenomenon that happens here as soon as it snows even a little bit. One quarter of an inch of snow is fine, the equivalent of some powdered sugar leftover on your kitchen table after making donuts. Once that hits the ground, meek Chicagoans who are lazy and will never do anything to stand up to the terrible things the government here does will suddenly grow a pair and get very bold. Once “dibs” starts and there’s a little snow on the ground, these little mice come out of their homes with old pieces of furniture, giant buckets, orange cones, and all kinds of other trash and they effectively annex public property and take it over for the next three months. They lay claim to the public street in front of their homes for the remainder of winter and are prepared to fight people for those parking spaces. If anyone moves any of the junk that these mice put in the street in front of their houses, there will be physical brawls. The offending car that “stole” their space (that they called “dibs” on with the giant bucket) will be vandalized. And the police will not respond and will not write reports because this is filed under “dibs” and the City is afraid to fight “dibs”.

I find all of this both amusing and heartening.

These people in Chicago’s neighborhoods allow Rahm Emanuel to be Mayor. They allow the politicians in Cook County to be the most corrupt and vile in the nation. They allow Illinois to be the business-killing cesspool that it’s become. So, they are lazy and don’t want to be involved and are fearful and never want to stick their necks out. But, boy, if you threaten to take away something that they have laid claim to, a whole different side of them shows its face. You threaten to take the cheese away from that mouse and it becomes a lion. You don’t mess with “dibs”.

And that’s where all this is heading.

Unfortunately, Muslims and the other Third World colonists will have to do enough damage in the West so things get to the point that the cheese-nibbling little mice feel that their cheese is being threatened. And then BAM!, they will wake up and push back and the Muslims and colonists won’t know what hit them. There will be a lot of fighting. It will be messy and bloody and destructive. But I believe in the end the mice-turned-into-lions will win…and we’ll have another 50 years of relative peace, before the cycle starts again.

The Left exists to agitate. It’s very good at it. The lazy and apathetic people of the West allow the Left to agitate. Maybe some of them even think the Left’s antics are interesting. But when things boil over and the lazy and apathetic people start to see things they laid claim to threatened, then the Left (and all its proxies) loses.

I think we’re maybe 5 years away from that.

What happened in Paris yesterday was certainly not the last straw that wakes people up…but as more attacks by Islam like this happen, more of the little mice will wake up to what’s going on. And when enough realize that their collective cheese is being threatened by the Muslim colonists…then BAM!

It’s just unfortunate that it’s so hard to wake these mice up and that the BAM! never seems to come soon enough.