Author Topic: Muslim Leader in Ireland Advocates Freedom of Expression, Censoring Cartoons  (Read 381 times)

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Muslim Leader in Ireland Advocates Freedom of Expression, Censoring Cartoons

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 9, 2015 @ 8:27 am In The Point | 10 Comments

I’m starting to think that we need to hand all those Muslim “moderates” a dictionary because they seem to have trouble understanding what words mean. (via Religion of Peace)

“I am a great advocate of freedom of expression,” said Dr Selim, adding that he encourages freedom of expression that does not give room for confrontation, that does not turn one person against another.

Selim doesn’t seem to know what expression or freedom mean. For that matter he appears to be engaging in confrontational advocacy… but that’s okay.

Asked about the impact on freedom of speech, he said: “We are great advocates of freedom of speech, but the freedom of speech we support is that freedom of speech that is practised responsibly.

Selim supports only freedom for the speech he likes.

A Trinity lecturer and Muslim scholar has said that he would consider legal advice if a member of the Irish media retweets or publishes a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed from Charlie Hebdo.

Dr Ali Selim, of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland, said he would advise Irish journalists not to reprint the cartoon. “Because it doesn’t help for peaceful coexistence,” said Dr Selim.

He described the cartoon as “an act of mockery”.

“We will check the Irish law and if there is any legal channel against you, we will take it,” he said.

“You can say love is stronger than hate but you can’t portray the Prophet Mohammed. If the law gives you the right to do it, do it, if the law does not give you the right to do it, then don’t do it,” he said of the cartoon.

Asked if he would seek legal advice if any journalist in Ireland tweets or reprints the cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, Dr Selim said ‘Yes”.

“Definitely if there is a legal action, I will take it. If you want to blame, blame the law,” said Dr Selim.

To summarize, Dr. Selim really loves freedom of expression, unless it offends Islam. He is no way responsible for the legal action that he will pursue against you because he advocates freedom of expression, except when trying to send you to jail.

Surprising for a Muslim Brotherhood gent who is rather non-judgmental about 9/11.

In 2003 on the Late Late Show on a program on violence in the name of Islam when asked by Pat Kenny Selim was hesitant in condemning the 9/11 attacks and gave a qualified answer:

 Pat Kenny: “ So there is no justification for September 11th?”

Ali Selim: “This is another political issue I do not want to touch”

Pat Kenny: “Why not? I mean if you cannot condemn September 11th People will draw the conclusion that you are in favour of it.”

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