Author Topic: Muslim Party Leader Says Islam is “Peace and Love”, Calls for Killing Cartoonists  (Read 423 times)

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Muslim Party Leader Says Islam is “Peace and Love”, Calls for Killing Cartoonists

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 9, 2015 @ 9:12 am In The Point | 25 Comments

Words can have very different meaning to Muslims. Like peace. Also love.

Whoever dare show disrespect for Prophet will invite death like the cartoonists and journalists of Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Haji Yakoob Qureshi has said.

Qureshi had hit the headlines in 2006 after declaring a reward of Rs. 51 crore for anyone who would kill the Danish cartoonist who had created a controversial cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. He had made the offer at a public rally in Meerut.

Reacting to Wednesday’s attack on Charlie Hebdo, Qureshi said he was ready to pay the reward money to the attackers. “I am ready to pay the money if they come and demand the declared reward.

“Those who dare insult Prophet Mohammed deserve death and there is no need to initiate legal procedure against them.” The Meerut-based leader said the Prophet spread the message of peace and love.

And the best way to promote peace and love is through murder. It makes sense if you understand peace and love in the purely Orwellian sense in which things mean their opposite and the ends always justify the means.

Islam is the religion of peace. Submission. Oppression. And slavery. And slavery is a state of peace since slaves can’t resist their masters.

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