Author Topic: Liberal Arab Complains Congress Is Too White  (Read 463 times)

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Liberal Arab Complains Congress Is Too White
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:59:26 am »
Liberal Arab Complains Congress Is Too White

By Brian Anderson, January 8, 2015.
Two universal truths in the liberal universe are: #1 lefties hate democracy when it works against their wacko agenda and #2 white white men are to blame for everything. Proving these truths brilliantly, Arab American comic Dean Obeidallah wrote an extended bitch-fest for The Daily Beast complaining how the democratic process has cursed us with too many white people (and men) in Congress.

The Unbearable Whiteness Of Congress starts with the fact that the newly sworn in Congress is the most diverse in history, but that’s not good enough for Obeidallah because in liberal land the will of the people doesn’t matter: all representation has to equally match racial, religious, and gender demographics.

The breakdown of the 114th Congress is 80 percent white, 80 percent male, and 92 percent Christian.

And because being white means being racist, we get this clever comparison:

That’s really diverse if, say, you are comparing our new Congress to the white supremacist group House Majority Whip Steve Scalise once addressed.

Here’s a story from liberal Slate proving that Scalise didn’t actually speak to a white supremacist group, but hey, why let the facts get in the way of a chance to portray all white people as racists, right?

Look, I don’t care if you are a liberal or a conservative. It’s impossible to make the claim that our Congress accurately reflects the demographics of our nation.

Actually, I bet Obeidallah does care if I’m a conservative, but that’s for a different story. I won’t make the claim that Congress accurately reflects the demographics of our nation, but I will say it reflects the demographics of the people who give a sh*t about their representation and vote.

And it’s not missing by a little but a lot. If Congress accurately reflected our nation on the basis of race, about 63 percent would be white, not 80 percent. Blacks would hold about 13 percent of the seats and Latinos 17 percent.

The new Senate has only two black senators. That statistic is even more striking given that earlier this week the first black person ever elected to the Senate, Edward Brooke, was laid to rest. Brooke won his seat in 1966 and served two terms. How far has Congress really evolved on race when in 50 years it has gone from one black senator to two?

Here’s an interesting fact: of those 2 black US Senators, one of them is Tim Scott, a Republican from “racist” South Carolina. How is it the democrats, the party of diversity and inclusion, have exactly the same number of black senators as the “white male” GOP? If the democrats are so enlightened, shouldn’t they nominate and support more black candidates? Nah, it’s better to shame Republicans for having a lack of diversity.

Latinos, the fastest growing minority group in America, are even more underrepresented in Congress. They hold 3 percent of the Senate and a little over 7 percent of the House.

How is it white men’s fault that Latinos don’t run for office or vote?


Then we get the religion bashing:

Congress is now 92 percent Christian, resembling more to a papal enclave than our religiously diverse nation.

Not all Christians are Catholic, so no it does not resemble a papal enclave. 24% of Americans are Catholic and 31% of Congress is Catholic, so that’s pretty close. But consider this: only 4.7% of Americans identify with a religion other than Christianity and that includes Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and whatever else. Face it, America is a Christian country and the Congress reflects this.

The latest Pew Poll found that nearly 20 percent of Americans identify as atheist, agnostic, or not being affiliated with any religion. Yet there’s only one member of Congress, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), who openly acknowledges she’s not a member of any religious group.

Really? Did the author just complain that we don’t have enough atheists in Congress? To be clear, 1.6% of Americans are atheists so having one in the House seems like appropriate representation.

Obeidallah conveniently leaves out Asians and Jews in his argument because their success as minorities is a big FU to the liberal missive that white Christian men actively suppress all others. He does however end by playing the gender card:

OK, let’s put race, ethnicity, and religion aside and address the most glaring underrepresentation in Congress of any group: women. This Congress will welcome more women than ever before at 19 percent of the House and 20 percent of the Senate. So what percentage of America is female? It’s 51 percent.

Which is curiously followed by this:

Why are so few women serving in our Congress? Studies have offered us a few reasons, some contradictory. One found that women have less interest in seeking elected office, with 48 percent of the men surveyed having considered a career in politics but only 35 percent of women.

How is that contradictory? Women have less interest in politics and because of this, there are fewer of them in office. It’s literally the only thing in this piece that makes sense. What’s contradictory is that the author implies that men are the reason there are so few women in Congress.

What the author is saying with this ridiculous article is that only blacks should represent blacks, only Latinos should represent Latinos, and only women should represent women. This is the most racist of all liberal ideologies and to prove it you only have to apply the “what if a white guy said it” test. Would it be cool to say only whites are capable of representing whites? What about stating that only men should represent men?

The bottom line is, Obeidallah has a problem with the democratic process. The members of Congress are there because they were elected by the people. No blacks, Latinos, women, or Satanists were elected and then denied their seats by a racist white male establishment.

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« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 10:00:00 am by rangerrebew »