Author Topic: BREAKING...French Magazine Hit in Terrorist Attack: 12 Killed, Four Wounded  (Read 3827 times)

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Offline Scottftlc

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Will the west ever say "enough"?

Not as long as we keep producing quisling political leadership.

The "peasants" can die in the streets, the elites hide behind security.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline Scottftlc

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The Palestinians will begin their loud celebrations in 3...2...1
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline Fishrrman

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aligncare wrote above:
[[ The perversion of Islam is a cancer and it can only be excised by inherents within the faith. Do they have the courage? There are a few who are finally beginning to show courage – El-Sisi of Egypt is one. Let's hope more will follow his lead. ]]

That's a nice thought, but you're dreamin'.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church (1703-1791) preferred clarity over ambiguity when describing Islam:
"Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of it‚ have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all that fell into their merciless paws. Such was, and is at this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind."

A more recent thought:
"Every 'moderate' Muslim is a potential terrorist. The belief in Islam is like a tank of gasoline. It looks innocuous, until it meets the fire. For a 'moderate' Muslim to become a murderous jihadist, all it takes is a spark of faith.
It is time to put an end to the charade of "moderate Islam." There is no such thing as moderate Muslim. Muslims are either jihadists or dormant jihadists - moderate, they are not."

-- Ali Sini

Offline aligncare

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You realize a large percentage of the world's population is Muslim, right? They're not going away. We've got to find some way to coexist.

It's like with women. Like my dad used to say; women, you can't live with them – and you can't kill them.

Offline olde north church

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You realize a large percentage of the world's population is Muslim, right? They're not going away. We've got to find some way to coexist.

It's like with women. Like my dad used to say; women, you can't live with them – and you can't kill them.

It's comes down to instilling a greater level in fear in them than the level of fear the MEDIAGOVERNMENT Complex is attempting to instill in the global population.
I started thinking back to the early 80's in the NYC and Boston area, there were many money jars with collections for certain Irish groups.  Right out front.  Right after you settled for you whiskey Boyo.  Not that I would ever, EVER propose such actions but the potential is there to be used.  There are always a group of people itching for a fight.  Some people do it very well.  Others need just a bit of shove in the right direction.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

Offline Fishrrman

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aligncare wrote above:
[[ You realize a large percentage of the world's population is Muslim, right? They're not going away. We've got to find some way to coexist. ]]

Once again, you dream very well.
Please repeat this:
"Reality is what it is. It is not what we believe it to be".

Insofar as "coexist" goes, see the pic I posted above.
That is islam's version of "coexist".

Of course a large percentage of the world's population is muslim (you will never see me capitalize that word here, out of intentional disgust and disrespect). That doesn't mean we have to intermingle with them or permit them to live amongst us.

You may respond with something along the line of "that's discriminatory" or "you're a bigot".
Very well, so be it. I no longer care.
All I know is, I don't want them -here-.

And one other thing I  know is that when they have achieved a large enough demographic here, they will not want YOU here, either.

We must do with islam what the Soviets did with Chernobyl after the explosion: that is, built a "sarcophagus" around it and return all muslims into it. After which the fires of their madness can burn themselves out over time.

Once those fires are extinguished, THEN we can talk about "coexistence".
Not until...

Online mountaineer

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Reuters recaps, with a bit of a history lesson:
French policewoman killed in shoot-out, hunt broadens for militant killers
Reuters, 08/01 13:58 CET
By Alexandria Sage and John Irish

PARIS (Reuters) – France’s Prime Minister said on Thursday he feared Islamist militants who killed 12 people in an attack on a satirical newspaper could strike again as a manhunt for two men widened across the country.

A policewoman was killed in a shootout in southern Paris, but Police sources could not immediately confirm a link with Wednesday’s killings at the Charlie Hebdo weekly newspaper that marked the worst attack on French soil for decades.  [Story posted at the Briefing Room]

National leaders and allied states described the assault on Charlie Hebdo, known for its lampooning of Islam and other religions as well as politicians, as an assault on democracy. The bells of Notre-Dame cathedral rang out during a minute’s silence observed across France and beyond.

Many European newspapers either re-published Charlie Hebdo cartoons or mocked the killers with images of their own.

Montrouge Mayor Pierre Brossollette said the policewoman and a colleague were attending a reported traffic accident when Thursday’s shooting occurred. Witnesses said the assailant fled in a Renault Clio and police sources said he wore a bullet-proof vest and had a handgun and assault rifle.

But one police officer at the scene told Reuters he did not appear to resemble the Charlie Hebdo shooters.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls was asked on RTL radio after an emergency cabinet meeting with President Francois Hollande whether he feared a further attack.

“That question is entirely legitimate, that’s obviously our main concern, and that is why thousands of police and investigators have been mobilised to catch these individuals.”

Police released photos of the two French nationals still at large, calling them “armed and dangerous”: brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, aged 32 and 34, both of whom were already under watch by security services.

Late Wednesday, an 18-year-old man turned himself into police in Charleville-Mézières near the Belgian border as police carried out searches in Paris and the northeastern cities of Reims and Strasbourg. A legal source said he was the brother-in-law of one of the main suspects and French media quoted friends saying he was in school at the moment of the attack.

French social media carried numerous reports of police helicopters across northern France. Police tightened security at transport hubs, religious sites, media offices and department stores.

There were scattered, unconfirmed reports of sightings of the assailants and police increased their presence at entry points to Paris. One police source talked of a type of “psychosis” setting in with various reports and rumours, but police had to take each of them seriously.

France began a day of mourning for the journalists and police officers shot dead by black-hooded gunmen using Kalashnikov assault rifles. French tricolour flags flew at half mast.

Tens of thousands took part in vigils across France on Wednesday to defend freedom of speech, many wearing badges declaring “Je Suis Charlie” (I Am Charlie) in support of the newspaper and the principle of freedom of speech.

Britain’s Daily Telegraph depicted two masked gunman outside the doors of Charlie Hebdo saying to each other: “Be careful, they might have pens”. Many German newspapers republished Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

The attack raised questions of security in countries across the Western world and beyond. Muslim leaders condemned the shooting but some have expressed fears of a rise in anti-islamic feeling in a country with a large Muslim population.

France’s Muslim Council called on all French Muslims to join the minute of silence and said it was issuing a call for “all Imams in all of France’s mosques to condemn violence and terrorism wherever it comes from in the strongest possible way.”

Police sources said the window of a kebab shop next to a mosque in the central town of Villefrance-sur-Saone was blown out by an overnight explosion. Local media said there were no wounded.

Security services have long feared that nationals drawn into Islamist militant groups fighting in Syria and Iraq could return to their home countries to launch attacks – though there is no suggestion that the two suspects named by police had actually fought in either of these countries.

Britain’s Cobra security committee was meeting on Thursday morning. London’s transport network was target of an attack in 2005, four years after 9/11. There have been attacks in countries including Spain, Kenya, Nigeria, India and Pakistan that have raised fears in Europe.

Islamist militants have repeatedly threatened France with attacks over its military strikes on Islamist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa, and the government reinforced its anti-terrorism laws last year.

A total of seven people had been arrested since the attack, he said. Police sources said they were mostly acquaintances of the two main suspects. One source said one of the brothers had been identified by his identity card, left in the getaway car.


Cherif Kouachi served 18 months in prison on a charge of criminal association related to a terrorist enterprise in 2005. He was part of an Islamist cell enlisting French nationals from a mosque in eastern Paris to go to Iraq to fight Americans in Iraq and arrested before leaving for Iraq himself.

The gunmen stormed the journal’s offices on Wednesday killing journalists, including its founder and its current editor-in-chief, and shouting “Allahu Akbar!” (God is Greatest). They then escaped in a black car, shouting, according to one witness, that they had “avenged the Prophet”.

Charlie Hebdo has published numerous cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohammad. Jihadists online repeatedly warned that the magazine would pay for its mockery.

Charlie Hebdo’s lawyer Richard Malka said the newspaper would be published next Wednesday with one million copies compared to its usual print run of 60,000.

Satire has deep historical roots in Europe where ridicule and irreverence are seen as a means of chipping away at the authority of sometimes self-aggrandising political and religious leaders and institutions. Governments have frequently jailed satirists and their targets have often sued, but the art is widely seen as one of the mainstays of a liberal democracy.

French writer Voltaire enraged many in 18th century France with caustic depictions of royalty and the Catholic Church. The German magazine Simplicissimus in its 70-year existence saw cartoonists jailed and fined for ridiculing figures from Kaiser Wilhelm to church leaders, Nazi grandees and communists.

“Freedom assassinated” wrote Le Figaro daily on its front page, while Le Parisien said: “They won’t kill freedom”.

The last major attack in Paris was in the mid-1990s when the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) carried out a spate of attacks, including the bombing of a commuter train in 1995 which killed eight people and injured 150.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 01:33:58 pm by mountaineer »
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