Author Topic: Liberal Overjoyed By Mother Killed In Tragic Walmart Shooting  (Read 451 times)

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Liberal Overjoyed By Mother Killed In Tragic Walmart Shooting
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:04:06 am »
Liberal Overjoyed By Mother Killed In Tragic Walmart Shooting

By Brian Anderson, January 4, 2015.

When a mother was killed in an Idaho Walmart earlier this week by her toddler who had gotten a hold of her concealed handgun most normal people reacted with sadness at the heartbreaking, yet preventable, tragedy. Liberals however are a different breed and their reaction was more along the lines of glee. You see, liberals hate guns and they love it when gun owners die, especially by their own guns because it reinforces their worldview that all guns are evil and unsafe in anyone’s hands.

Gun-hater Tony Ortega, writing for Raw Story, took this glee to stunningly offensive heights with his piece The Second Amendment is for everyone — it’s time we armed the children. This super-sarcastic waste of space literally high-fives the grim reaper for taking out an evil gun owner:

If there’s anything to take away from the tragic death of a woman at an Idaho Walmart store at the hands of her own two-year-old son, it’s that the Second Amendment has been criminally neglected when it comes to an entire segment of our population.

Chemical research scientist Veronica Rutledge paid with her life when she took her toddler son and three nieces to the Hayden, Idaho Walmart on Tuesday for some shopping with the gift cards the children had received for Christmas. A gun rights advocate, Rutledge was carrying a handgun in a special conceal-carry purse that her husband had given her as a gift. The purse contained a zippered compartment for her firearm, which was loaded. When Rutledge turned away for a moment, her toddler son got into her purse, opened the zipper, pulled out the gun, and then shot his mother in the head, killing her instantly.

Now check this out:

While young Rutledge had found a way to express his Second Amendment rights by retrieving the handgun, his mother ceded her own rights by not having a backup weapon holstered on her person so she could return fire.

I don’t care if the author thinks he’s being snarky, how effed up is it that someone actually wrote that the mother should have shot her two-year old? Gun-control nuts never fail to prove want a bunch of bottom-feeding asswipes they are.

And there’s more sarcasm, or leftist idealism, or…I really don’t know what it is other than terrible:

We fault the NRA for not more aggressively advocating that the Second Amendment is for everyone in this country, not just angry white folks who oppose tyranny. It’s about time this nation’s toddlers, tots, and tweens — from every strata of society — were armed and taught their rights and responsibilities as gun owners.


The author then dances on Charles Vacca’s grave who was the firearms instructor killed when a 9-year old girl lost control of an Uzi last year:

A more informed 9-year-old, for example, might have known about the kick an Uzi packs, and that knowledge could perhaps have kept her aim from wandering into her Arizona gun instructor’s head this past August.

At this point, the author makes reference to several other cases where toddlers shot and killed people and then drops this:

As the cases in those news reports show, as well as the incidents at the Arizona gun range and the Idaho Walmart, the accurate aim these youngsters exhibited is rather stunning. But is a grade schooler going to level a gun at his diapered sibling knowing that little brother or little sister is strapped and loaded?

I wonder if Ortega had a boner as he wrote that last part. I’m guessing he did. You can feel the psycho-sexual pleasure he derives from writing about gun owners that were killed in tragic accidents.

Finally, we are left with this:

Until the NRA begins to take the Second Amendment more seriously, this country will continue to go to hell in a handbasket. Enough is enough. Think of the children.

Ortega is being a complete douche, and he thinks he’s funny, but he’s kind of right. Children should receive firearms safety training. From an early age, kids should be taught to respect guns and handle them safely. There would be a lot less accidents and far fewer a-holes that think guns are evil and should be banished. And maybe, just maybe, less liberals that get overjoyed when gun owners die.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 11:04:47 am by rangerrebew »