Author Topic: 100-Year-Old Veteran Tells Interrupting Portland Protesters ‘Give Me A Chance’  (Read 722 times)

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100-Year-Old Veteran Tells Interrupting Portland Protesters ‘Give Me A Chance’

Posted By Chuck Ross On 9:52 AM 01/04/2015 In | No Comments
A 100-year-old Navy veteran who served five tours in the Pacific Theatre during World War II and crashed his plane once in the Pacific Ocean had to ask a group of protesters for a chance to speak at a town hall meeting being held by Democrat Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden on Saturday.

According to The Oregonian, around 100 protesters with the group Don’t Shoot PDX crashed a town hall meeting at Portland Community College where Wyden had planned to begin the event with a medal and flag presentation to the veteran, Dario Raschio.

But the protesters delayed Wyden for 15 minutes, marched through the auditorium and chanting various catch-phrases, including “hands up, don’t shoot” and “I can’t breathe.”

The former is a slogan referencing the police-related shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The latter refers to the death of Eric Garner, who died after being choked and arrested by Staten Island police.



After Wyden was finally able to quiet the crowd and introduce Raschio, Iraq War protesters at the back of the auditorium interrupted the vet.

“Give me a chance,” said Raschio, who joined the Navy at the age of 27 and took part in five campaigns in the Pacific Theatre.

A pilot, Raschio’s plane once crashed into the Pacific on Easter Sunday, 1944, The Oregonian reported. Raschio and his passenger in that plane remained in the water for several hours and expected to die. Luckily, a Navy destroyer eventually rescued the pair.

“Let’s show a little respect for this occasion,” Raschio continued, drawing applause.


Raschio dedicated the awards he received — which, according to The Oregonian, included the U.S. Naval Aviator Badge, the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal, the World War II Victor medal, the American Defense Service Medal, and the “Ruptured Duck” award — to those killed in action.

He concluded, saying “God bless America. And you people that are here for a cause, whatever it might be — show respect to Sen. Wyden.”

Wyden followed those remarks, saying “One of the reasons that we can come here today and be heard and express our views is because of veterans like Dario.”

After Raschio and Wyden finished speaking, Don’t Shoot PDX organizer Theresa Raiford attempted to use Raschio service as a springboard for her cause.

“Veterans like this man right here fought for our freedom,” Raiford announced, as Raschio stood in front of her, seemingly unmoved by her remarks.

“We’re going to take four-point-five minutes in respect to honor those who have been killed by the police in this country,” Raiford continued.

That time allotment was another reference to Brown. After Brown was fatally shot on Aug. 9, his body laid on the street pavement for four-and-a-half hours.

Roschio did not stick around for that portion of the protest. Wyden is seen escorting the centenarian away from the event.


But Wyden returned in order to continue with the town hall meeting, at which point he became the target of Raiford’s direct criticism.

“The gangs are this man right here and the people that call for a war against people in our city,” Raiford said, pointing at Wyden.


The town hall was cancelled after it became clear that the protesters would not let the meeting go forward.

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