Author Topic: Bill de Blasio’s Anti-Cop Bias May Cost Him Democratic Convention  (Read 238 times)

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Bill de Blasio’s Anti-Cop Bias May Cost Him Democratic Convention

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 3, 2015 @ 11:41 am In The Point | 4 Comments

Here’s Reason 1 why De Blasio is trying to smooth over the ugliness created by his support for the racist protesters of Black Lives Matter.

The tensions that have erupted between Mayor de Blasio and the city’s police unions are casting a giant shadow over the mayor’s bid to bring the Democratic National Convention to Brooklyn.

Party officials are concerned the bad blood might still be an issue when the convention is held in 2016, stealing the spotlight from the party’s presidential nominee, a top Democrat told the Daily News.

“They’re worried about the optics,” said the source, who is familiar with the Democratic National Committee’s deliberations.

“Will [the police] turn their backs on the mayor? They don’t want side stories. The story should be the convention.”

The timing could not be worse for City Hall, as the national party is expected to pick a host city in the next few weeks.

Even some local Democrats who are helping de Blasio lobby for the 2016 extravaganza acknowledge the city’s bid now faces serious headwinds.

“Until we know how and when (the mayor’s problems with the police) are going to be resolved, the Democratic Party would not want to take the chance of this controversy being the backdrop for its convention selection,” a Democrat active in the city’s bid said.

Considering that the convention is supposed to be Hillary’s ball, distractions would be extremely unhelpful. This becomes an even bigger problem in the unlikely event that the protesters are still around by then.

Hillary has every reason to throw herself a party in New York City, even if it serves to remind Americans how out of touch this wealthy politician is with the rest of the country, but protests are also a regular part of life in the city.

And Bill de Blasio’s brand is quickly going from progressive to toxic.

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