Author Topic: Anti-Police Protesters Release List Of ‘Demands’  (Read 235 times)

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Anti-Police Protesters Release List Of ‘Demands’
« on: January 03, 2015, 10:38:25 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

Anti-Police Protesters Release List Of ‘Demands’

Posted By Derek Hunter On 5:43 PM 01/02/2015 In | No Comments

There have been marches in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, and elsewhere demanding “justice” of some sort — or else there would be no “peace.” They’ve been invited to meet with President Barack Obama in the White House, been praised by the Mayor of New York and countless other Democrats. But what do they want, aside from “justice”? And what exactly constitutes “justice” in the minds of those laying down in traffic and in malls has always remained nebulous, but no more – they’ve been kind enough to put their “demands” down on paper.

On fliers handed out at the New York City protest on New Year’s Eve, the “#BlackLivesMatter” movement spelled out what they “demand.”

One such demand is essentially an end to access to the court system for police officers charged with a crime:

We demand a total independent investigative body that has full and total investigative powers, and unhindered access to any scene and full access to all evidence,” they write. “This investigative body will have full prosecuting power, and the authority to mete out punishment. This agency will have the power to immediately sequester any and all officers that are involved and/or on the scene.

Another demand is a direct attack on the police unions, “We demand that any officer found guilty of any crime or violation while on duty be imprisoned and heavily personally fined, and any union that defends that officer be heavily fined with all the money going to the victim.”

Yet another demand is what amounts to the end of the 5th Amendment for police officers:

“We demand any officer that do not (sic) freely come forth and speak about abuse and corruption by fellow officers or the department that they should be aware of, be charged with conspiracy and imprisoned and heavily fined.”

The flier ends with the words, “FREEDOM JUSTICE AND EQUALITY OR DEATH.”

Protesters across the country may or may not agree with all 13 of these demands, but these are what the leaders of these protests in New York City, now the hub of this movement, have made them about.

Read all the “demands” below.


[h/t Kerry Picket on Twitter]

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