Author Topic: Obama Aborts Pro-Life Judge Nominee  (Read 464 times)

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Obama Aborts Pro-Life Judge Nominee
« on: January 01, 2015, 01:37:53 pm »
- The Daily Caller - -

Obama Aborts Pro-Life Judge Nominee

Posted By Patrick Howley On 3:04 PM 12/31/2014 In | No Comments

President Obama dumped one of his federal judgeship picks after a pressure campaign by a pro-abortion group that opposed the nominee’s pro-life record.

The White House said Wednesday that it will not re-nominate Michael Boggs to a federal judgeship in Georgia. The U.S. Senate did not vote on Boggs in the year 2014, during which time his candidacy withered on the vine. Boggs was one of the few conservative-leaning figures that Obama ever nominated to anything, and only because of a political deal with some Georgia Republicans.

“We’re disappointed that pro-choice President Obama nominated someone who doesn’t share our pro-choice values. We agree with the president on a lot of things, but not this pick,” NARAL Pro-Choice America, a group with close ties to Obama, stated in a 2014 petition opposing Boggs.

“Michael Boggs showed us his true personal agenda as a state lawmaker. Judges hold an incredible responsibility when they take the bench. Americans need to trust them to take an objective view of the law and not use their position to advance their personal agenda. We can’t trust Michael Boggs,” NARAL said in a petition to stop Boggs’ confirmation.”

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