Author Topic: Liberals: Capitalists are reason for illegal immigration  (Read 386 times)

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Liberals: Capitalists are reason for illegal immigration
« on: December 26, 2014, 08:57:52 pm »



Liberals: Capitalists are reason for illegal immigration

If only American capitalists didn’t have JOBS, then those Mexican banditos wouldn’t illegally come to America, right?

So Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will disband a controversial squad that has raided businesses to arrest more than 700 immigrants who were charged with using fake or stolen IDs to get jobs.

Liberal logic: without jobs opportunities by capitalists, these illegals wouldn’t have tried to work!

Let’s forget that these people committed multiple crimes, like

Sneaking into the United States,

Falsifying documents in order to take jobs from Americans.

Kevin Jackson's hilarious take on Race-Pimping: The Multi-Trillion Dollar Business of Liberalism!

Enjoy this excerpt from the book:

"In actuality, black people will go to substandard hospitals, wait in long lines behind illegal immigrants, and be treated like non-citizens, as there simply won’t be enough healthcare to go around. There will be the occasional lucky few who will receive treatment, and we will parade them around like championship rings, thus continuing the ruse. As you can see, we’ve left out nothing. We touch more on this in Chapter 10: Promise Everything, Deliver Nothing. If for some reason we happen to run out of blacks, we will be able to apply our trade to the Mexicans with little disruptions. Plans are already underway for our next edition in this “How To” series: How to be a Latino "Race Pimp for Fun and Profit…even if you’re Illegal."