Author Topic: Border Patrol “Tracking” Illegals w/Ankle Monitor it Takes 5 Mins to Remove  (Read 255 times)

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Border Patrol “Tracking” Illegals w/Ankle Monitor it Takes 5 Mins to Remove

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 25, 2014 @ 11:36 am In The Point | 2 Comments

Don’t worry, they’re taking the problem of an open border very seriously. That’s why they’re releasing huge numbers of illegals while giving them ankle monitors that can be taken off with vaseline.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement earlier this month launched a program to give GPS devices to some parents caught crossing the Mexican border illegally with their children in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. They were given the devices after being released from custody with notices to report back to immigration officials, according to a confidential ICE document obtained by The Associated Press.

In September, the Homeland Security Department confided to a group of immigrant advocates during a confidential meeting that about 70 percent of immigrants traveling as families failed to report back to ICE as ordered after they were released at the border. The AP obtained an audio recording of the meeting and interviewed participants. The ICE official on the recording was not identified.

ICE said this week that the pilot program, known as “RGV 250,” started Dec. 1 and will eventually track 250 “heads of household” caught traveling with their families in the Rio Grande Valley and released into the interior of the U.S. Once those immigrants arrive and report as ordered, ICE may remove the tracking device.

The tracking device is presumably an ankle monitor, which is a nice gimmick thought up by someone who watched too many movies, but not very effective.

First off, they can be easy to take off. There are ample videos on YouTube showing how, using basic hand lotion and a plastic bag, some offenders have been able to slip the ankle bracelets off their feet. Even Martha Stewart, on home arrest and forced to wear an ankle bracelet in 2005, proclaimed to Vanity Fair: “You can figure out how to get it off. It’s on the Internet. I looked it up.”

I’m sure the people who managed to make it across multiple countries to get here in order to get a piece of that ObamaCare won’t be able to figure out what this guy did.

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