Author Topic: India May End Support for PLO State at UN  (Read 326 times)

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India May End Support for PLO State at UN
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:33:10 pm »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

India May End Support for PLO State at UN

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 23, 2014 @ 12:39 pm In The Point | 6 Comments

If the Modi government makes that kind of shift, it would be significant and a sign that Netanyahu’s outreach to India and China was ahead of the curve, while the left insists on somehow appeasing European Islamophilia and Islamopanic with endless concessions.

In what could amount to a tectonic shift in the country’s foreign policy, the Modi government is looking at altering India’s supporting vote for the Palestinian cause at the United Nations to one of abstention.

Two sources within the government confirmed to The Hindu that the change, which will be a fundamental departure from India’s support to the cause of a Palestinian state, was under consideration.

“Like other foreign policy issues, the Modi government is looking at India’s voting record at the United Nations on the Palestinian issue,” a government source told The Hindu. The change only needs an administrative nod, the second source said.

Despite the growing defence and diplomatic ties with Israel, the UPA government, which junked traditional ally Iran to vote with the United States at the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2005, had baulked at making any change in India’s support to the Palestinians.

Moving from a “Yes” vote to an abstention is not that big in and of itself, but it does signify that India will no longer be a rubber stamp for anything that the Muslim world demands. It never made much sense for India to support Muslim terrorists in Israel while fighting them in Kashmir, but likewise it makes little sense for Russia to fight Muslim terrorists in the Caucasus while supporting them in the Middle East.

Or for the United States to support Muslim terrorists in Egypt, Burma and Israel while opposing them in Pakistan and Iraq. So a lot of countries have conflicting foreign policies.

Countries that are both non-Muslim and non-Western are going to have to cope with a world in which the Western elite panders to Muslim terrorists while Muslim countries form a shifting alliance intent on destroying them. India may have found its new balance in that regard.

Israel and India both need options for dealing with Islamic terrorism, externally and internally, and Western pressure to accommodate Muslim demands.

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