Author Topic: JESSICA CHAMBERS: Teen Murdered Immediately After Local Blacks Called For Rape & Burning Of White Women  (Read 971 times)

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JESSICA CHAMBERS: Teen Murdered Immediately After Local Blacks Called For Rape & Burning Of White Women

Doug Giles | Dec 21, 2014

 This is a powerful piece by Donald Joy, that originally appeared on my website, about the brutal murder/burning of Jessica Chambers. I decided to run it in place of my column because this case seems to have escaped the notice of Lame Stream Media, Al Sharpton and Eric Holder. It also seems as if various bloggers, like Mr. Joy, are more dialed in to this horrendous crime than the Barney Fifes over in Panola County, Mississippi.

 Herewith is Joy's column regarding this heinous murder of a 19-year-old white cheerleader. Please e-blast it and Facebook and Tweet it to everybody and their dog until we see #justiceforjessica:

The truth about murder and race in Mississippi may prove reducible to black and white after all, as with fifty years ago in the infamous "Mississippi Burning" case. Breaking, bombshell social media evidence in the Jessica Chambers case suggests the dynamic is reversed, but similar.

In trying to follow and sort out the details surrounding the grisly immolation death of the white former cheerleader two weeks ago, one encounters a cast of very shady characters a country mile long and wide, with the sordid backstory of small-town police corruption in Panola County, and a troubled family tale, all of it murky and convoluted almost beyond belief.

Nailing the actual guilty party, however, could turn out to be not all that complicated. That's because some black terrorists in the victim's immediate circle have left a rather obvious trail of specific, racially-oriented murder threats.

For readers familiar with the concept of Occam's Razor, what seems to be an incredibly tangled mystery might instead just fit the boilerplate template of what I'm calling Occam's race war.

One week before, and on just the day before Jessica Chambers was carjacked and burned to death, certain blacks among her intimate circle and acquaintance were involved in Facebook exchanges wherein calls for the rape and burnings of white women and children, especially the families of white police officers, were posted.

Although not a police officer himself, Jessica Chambers' father is an employee of the Panola County sheriff's department, in the vehicle maintenance section.

You'll need to grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink to slurp on, while you try to get a grip on what follows.

In the first Facebook comment in question, on November 30th, a woman using the name "Teapooh Itiswatitis Latrice" reacts to a fake news story carrying the headline "Cop Shoots 1Yr Old Black Baby After Mistaking Pacifier For Gun."

"Teapooh," apparently not being very bright, looks to have shared the story without realizing it was actually absurd satire, typical of incendiary internet hoax sites. In sharing the bogus article, "Teapooh" typed the comment, "Somebody need to rape all his kids in front of him then sit(sic) the house on fire an watch them burn....i bet he was a white man SAD".

She shared it via the Facebook timeline of a woman named Sandy Rudd (now please bear with me for a minute while I outline some crucial connections before giving you the rest of the specific, criminal threat).

Sandy Rudd is the aunt of Bryan Rudd, Jessica's abusive, criminal ex-boyfriend and local gang member. Sandy, who gave the false name of "Cassandra Market" to a reporter in an interview, is herself alleged to be a member of at least one notorious criminal gang -- she denies it, even though at least one picture of her has surfaced showing her making gang signs in a group picture with others, all of them defiantly throwing gang signs.

Sandy Rudd acknowledges that she is the one at the gas station who asked Jessica Chambers for a cigarette, when Jessica is seen on the store surveillance video walking over to someone who is off-camera.

Jessica lived with Bryan Rudd and his mother, Theresa Rudd Fleming, for two years in the period leading up to her murder, before a brief stay in a Christian-run rehab/shelter for troubled women. Bryan Rudd has since moved away, to Iowa.

Now get this: "Teapooh" is, according to the "hacktivists" who have accessed various social media accounts of the people involved, actually Teanna Rudd, the wife or live-in girlfriend of a man named Brejuan Buyers.

Brejuan Buyers is the man seen on the gas station's surveillance video with the gas can in the hours just prior to Jessica being burned over 98% of her body. He rode with Sandy Rudd in her car to the gas station, on that same night the murder victim is seen at the store -- while he is filling the gas can at the pump -- only 90 minutes before she is found burned.

"Teapooh" made more than just that one murderous comment on Facebook. On the day before Jessica's murder, on December 5th,she shared a video via someone posting as "Derrick Jaxn" (Jessica's last word, uttered to a first responder, is reported to have been "Eric" or "Derrick"). The post was accompanied by her comment, "Somebody needs to rape all they(sic) kids in front of them then set them on fire there(sic) learn then white bitches need to be dead".

The clock is ticking, and the FBI was brought in to work on the case as of a few days ago. Many persons of interest have been interviewed, and no arrests have been made.

Brejuan Buyers, the gangsta "gas can man," can also be seen in two homemade videos here and here, getting high and hurling angry obscenities at whoever watches.

Incidentally, just because whichever authority initially declares some person to have been interviewed and "cleared" doesn't necessarily mean that they won't be implicated later on, upon further investigation/developments.

Gas station "owner" Ali Alsanai, about whom I've previously written, has now been said by the local District Attorney to be not officially suspected of any direct involvement in the case. However he remains a very suspicious figure in all of this, to those who pay close attention to his story's inconsistencies, his body language, outward displays, mannerisms, and deceptive speech patterns (for one thing, honest people don't constantly use the phrase "to be honest with you" when answering questions). In spite of his openly flashy gangsta-jihad persona, he's definitely covering up some kind of illegal activity in and/or around the store.

In one interview, Alsanai blatantly and very casually contradicts himself on timeline details, and says that pictures of himself posing with powerful guns are "photoshopped."

At the 11:48 mark of that same interview video, the reporter asks him about the small bags being dealt out to people from inside and in front of the store by a black woman (seen carrying and handing out the packets on the CCTV recording on the night of the murder). Alsanai has claimed that the bags contain "chicken" -- some say "chicken" is street slang for methamphetamine or cocaine. Yet when the interviewer brings them up as supposedly being "chicken," Alsanai completely blows the straight face he'd been making an attempt to maintain, and starts laughing, obviously breaking up at how preposterous a lie he is telling.

Just prior to her demise, Jessica Chambers is reported by numerous sources as having been trying to leave the gang and move on with her life, and had been telling people she was planning to write a book about having survived the gang lifestyle. She is also reported to have been in an altercation with someone at the same gas station a week before her murder.

Many blacks and even some whites on social media are accusing Jessica's father of her murder, for no other reason than her having intimate relationships with dangerous and abusive black men.

After police officers Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo were recently exonerated by grand juries in the deaths of black criminals Michael Brown and Eric Garner, and when George Zimmerman was acquitted last year in the Trayvon Martin case, blacks rioted, looted, burned, and murdered random whites, just as they did after the initial acquittals of the white cops in the Rodney King case in 1992. It's plain to every honest person that blacks wantonly and savagely attack and murder whites all the time throughout the country, often for no reason at all except the thrill of racially-motivated malicious mayhem. Particularly, we have just seen and heard Michael Brown's mother's boyfriend, repeat felon Louis Head, violently screaming "burn this bitch down!!!" over and over again, accompanied by blacks rampaging, burning, looting, and attacking -- sometimes fatally, with hammers or other deadly means -- random, innocent whites in St. Louis and elsewhere.

Speaking of Louises, Farrakhan just recently stood before a crowd of cheering blacks at a prominent Maryland college and renewed his nationwide public exhortations for blacks to mass-murder whites, whenever and wherever.

In philosophy and problem solving, there's the principle of reasoning known as Occam's (or Okham's) Razor, which goes like this: Among multiple alternative explanations, all of which require various assumptions in order to arrive at possible solutions, often the simplest and plainest answer -- involving the least number of assumptions -- turns out to be the right one.

So, we have local black gang associates posting terror threats on social media -- threats of murder, by burning, directed at the women and children family members of white police employees -- immediately before the murder, by burning, of the white teenage daughter of a local police department employee. Plus, the killing took place only minutes after the victim was seen on video at the same location as the husband or boyfriend of the person who posted the threats, as he was filling a handheld can with gasoline.

The entire case could simply be one more incident in the modern, one-sided race war of black on white; a war which is never talked about in the mainstream media. Or, it could be more complicated than just black and white.

The evidence so far suggests that, despite the murkiness of elements and complicated roster of suspicious players, the truth in Courtland, Mississppi might come with the simplest and most obvious explanation.

Expect things to blow wide open very soon. The blogosphere's best and the brightest are all over this caper like George Zimmerman on a Chipotle burrito bowl.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 09:18:50 pm by rangerrebew »