Too Awesome For Words: Ferguson Protest Christmas Carols
By Brian Anderson, December 18, 2014.
If you want to get into the holiday spirit and still rage against the racist system that kills young black men, a Ferguson protest group called Tribe X has published the Protestor’s Caroling For Justice Song Book. This pdf-only work of genius takes traditional Christmas carols and gives them new words related to the Michael Brown shooting and Ferguson riots.
Take for example “Life is Hell” sung to the tune of “Silver Bells”:
Busy racists, busy racists.
Dressed in KKK style
In the air
There’s a feeling of bias
Bigots laughing
Racists passing
Every mile after mile
And on every street corner you’ll hear
Life is Hell, Life is Hell
It’s a racist time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them sing
Slim hope for justice today
Or the “Silent Night” inspired “Trampled Rights”:
Trampled rights, Trampled rights
We are calm, they’re not bright
Round yon Ferguson Gassed and Denied
Bruises from Clubs so Tender and Mild
Please stop the Police
Please stop the Police
Id like to point out that this song which claims that anyone opposed to the Ferguson protestors is “not bright” is titled like this:
Trampled Rights
(Song to the Tune of Silent Night)
Seems like it would have been brighter to write, “sung to the tune of Silent Night,” but whatever. Actually all of the songs in this book are “song to the tune of…”