Author Topic: Black Racists Who Don’t Work for a Living Hate Being Asked for Help  (Read 385 times)

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Black Racists Who Don’t Work for a Living Hate Being Asked for Help

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 18, 2014 @ 4:41 pm In The Point | 16 Comments

Hardly a week passes by without an elderly lady asking me to hand them down something from a shelf. Most of the women doing the asking are Asian. Some are Hispanic. The last one was African-American.

They aren’t asking me for help because I’m white. They’re asking me for help because I’m 6’2.

Being asked for help is an insult to

1. The lazy

2. The rude

3. Thin-skinned paranoid racists

So we had Michelle Obama pop up to complain that she got asked for help in a department store, even though her original version of the story made it clear that she was asked because she was tall. And apparently Obama gets mistaken for a valet everywhere he goes. I’m not sure why.

Valets work for a living.

Then black bisexual Park Slope social justice writer for the New York Times, Charles Blow stopped by to tell CNN that he’s always being asked to get stuff down from high shelves because old ladies are notoriously racist against bisexual black men from Park Slope.

“I’m 6’2″ so I’m always doing that,” Blow said recounting a story where he was asked to grab some crackers off a shelf by a “little old lady.”

“In department stores I am always asked whether or not — not if I work here, but do you have this in blue or something?” Blow said. “The first few times you think this is just a weird little funny little mistake we’re making. Both people laugh it off. But after decades of it happening, your brain starts to do what your brain does which is try to make connections, try to figure out what is happening and why is this happening to me all the time? And certain things, certain patterns develop. It is never men for me. It is never anyone black for me.”

Again I don’t know why anyone would mistake Charles Blow for a man who works for a living. These ladies must be very nearsighted.

There’s a pattern here and it isn’t race. It’s general laziness and uselessness. The people who are offended by being asked to get high things off the shelf and occasionally being mistaken for department store personnel if they come in wearing red are people who hate the idea of working for a living and consider it beneath them.

I’ve never been offended by being asked to reach something on a high shelf or when being mistaken for a store employee. It’s telling that this latest round of whining got started by a professional community organizer. It’s the people who refuse to work for a living who are most offended by the idea of actually being asked to work.

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