Author Topic: Guy Who Called for Killing White Cops Wanted to Promote Respect for All Lives  (Read 248 times)

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Guy Who Called for Killing White Cops Wanted to Promote Respect for All Lives

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 17, 2014 @ 11:11 am In The Point | 17 Comments

Okay then.

Nordstrom sales associate Aaron Hodges has since taken down his Facebook and Twitter accounts, but a screen shot of his comment has been circulating online. In response to recent police shootings, Hodges, who is black, suggested on Facebook:

“Instead of slamming the police, I prefer a Kenny Fort approach. Every time an unarmed black man is killed, you kill a decorated white officer, on his door step in front of his family.”

Nordstrom used social media to respond to dozens of angry tweets and online posts about the controversy after The Blaze commentator John Cardillo, a former NYPD cop, tweeted an apparent picture of Hodges’ Facebook page to Nordstrom’s Twitter handle.

Nordstrom fired Hodges who explained that he didn’t mean killing decorated white cops in front of their families, literally.

Hodges, who is African-American, said Tuesday he’s troubled by the police killings of Michael Brown in Missouri, Eric Garner in New York and Tamir Rice in Ohio, and he made the Facebook comment in an exchange with a friend from high school. Hodges said he sometimes says outrageous things to “bring things into scope” and didn’t literally mean that white officers should be killed.

“I’m a black Mormon, so there’s no way I could be racist,” he said. “I’m just passionate about black issues because nobody else seems to be.”

I reread that sentence three times and cereal parrot space shuttle. Maybe someone can explain to me why it’s literally impossible for a black Mormon to be racist or how in a country being torn apart with a racial debate no one seems to be passionate about black issues.

And of course… Black lives matter. The only way to make that point is by threatening to shoot white people. We are so post-racial these days.

Hodges admits the post was egregious, but said it wasn’t meant to be taken literally. He said he wanted to make people realize that all lives deserve respect.

And the best way to make that point is with racist death threats.

“So if (an officer) was shot in his doorstep, they’re going to have 21-gun salutes and vigils and black strips across the badge. What is Eric Garner getting? Hodges asked FOX 12.

A huge lawsuit payout and national and international fame? When a cop gets shot, hardly anyone outside the force pays attention for more than two days. Garner’s face is on t-shirts nationwide.

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