Author Topic: Genius Ed Schultz Gets Hit Piece On Reince Priebus Embarrassingly Wrong [VIDEO]  (Read 222 times)

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Genius Ed Schultz Gets Hit Piece On Reince Priebus Embarrassingly Wrong [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 7:55 PM 12/16/2014 In | No Comments

MSNBC host Ed Schultz had quite the scoop Tuesday night, when he seemingly discovered a picture of RNC head Reince Priebus attending a football game with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in Philadelphia, despite his staff claiming he was in D.C. at the time. (VIDEO: Ed Schultz Uses Glenn Beck’s Illness To Push For Obamacare)

“The Ed Show” unveiled an image of Priebus sitting behind Christie and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. “We got kinda curious,” Schultz said. “Ed Show researchers also noticed what looks like RNC chair Reince Priebus sitting behind Christie and Jones, owner of the Cowboys. We reached out to the RNC, and they told us they thought Reince Priebus was at a dinner in Washington, D.C. on Sunday night!”

“For the record — he’s a lifetime Packers fan,” Schultz said, before adding smugly, “Maybe not any more.”

The problem, as RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer pointed out on Twitter, was that the image Schultz relied on was more than a year old.

Indeed, Fox Sports’ Erik Malinowski tweeted out a photo of the three last year:

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