Author Topic: Obama Admin Releases ONE PERCENT of Its Documents About IRS-White House Coordination  (Read 413 times)

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Obama Admin Releases ONE PERCENT of Its Documents About IRS-White House Coordination

Posted By Patrick Howley On 8:07 PM 12/16/2014 In | No Comments

The Treasury Department released four new redacted pages of documents about the White House’s role in the Internal Revenue Service targeting scandal, bringing the total number of pages released up to 31 – a whole one percent of the total number of pages.

A federal court judge in the advocacy firm Cause of Action’s lawsuit against the Treasury inspector general set Jan. 30 as a starting date to begin briefings on whether or not the firm can get at the documents.

The Cause of Action federal court case for the documents was successful, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. But the Justice Department began trying to delay the release of the documents by a matter of two weeks. Treasury Secretary and former Obama White House chief of staff Jacob Lew then seized the documents.

Lew is arguing that because the White House and IRS illegally exchanged confidential taxpayer information, then releasing the documents would be an illegal disclosure of confidential taxpayer information.

As The Daily Caller reported, at least some of the confidential taxpayer information the IRS’ Lois Lerner dished out went to senior White House domestic policy adviser Jeanne Lambrew.

2,509 pages were reviewed by the Treasury Department inspector general.

2,043 pages were found to be “responsive.”

466 pages were supposed to still come out, even after Lew seized all the rest of them.

27 pages came out first.

4 more pages just came out in part.

To quote our friends on Wall Street:

We…want…the Ninety-Nine Percent. We…want…the Ninety-Nine Percent.

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