Author Topic: College Student’s Apartment Vandalized After Writing Conservative Op-Ed [VIDEO]  (Read 389 times)

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College Student’s Apartment Vandalized After Writing Conservative Op-Ed [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 9:45 PM 12/15/2014 In | No Comments

A conservative student at the University of Michigan had his apartment vandalized after he wrote a satirical op-ed in the school paper mocking political correctness and “triggering.”

UM student Omar Mahmood wrote an op-ed for The Michigan Daily mocking overzealous liberal victimization by pretending to be a left-handed person complaining about right-handed bigots. The op-ed (which starts with a “TRIGGER WARNING!”) makes fun of many left-wing Tumblr-generation tropes. “…A white cis-gendered hetero upper-class man came down the steps just as I was falling,” reads one part of the fictional story. “He looked at me with that white man’s burden face that I see too often on this racialized campus.”

The Michigan Daily was less than amused. Citing an anonymous member of their staff who had complained, the paper fired Mahmood after he refused to apologize for the column.

But it didn’t end there. Last week, Mahmood (who is Muslim) came home to find the door to his apartment vandalized with eggs, hot dogs, pictures of Satan and notes reading “Everyone hates you, you violent pr*ck” and “shut the f*** up.”

Unbeknownst to the vandals, they were caught on tape by security cameras. The footage, obtained by The College Fix, shows a group of four women putting on hoodies, before leaving the vandalism on Mahmood’s door.


[h/t College Fix]

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