Author Topic: President Obama DELETED His Website Telling American People They Could Keep Their Plans  (Read 497 times)

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President Obama DELETED His Website Telling American People They Could Keep Their Plans

Posted By Patrick Howley On 8:21 PM 12/15/2014 In | No Comments

The Obama administration’s original government website promoting Obamacare has been deleted.

On the last day of the Obamacare enrollment period, uncovered records reveal the deleted website assured Americans they could keep their existing health insurance plans. was the first major online messaging project of Kathleen Sebelius’ Department of Health and Human Services. It was later replaced by the glitch-ridden Obamacare enrollment website

But after went live, went dark.

Thankfully, the Internet’s “WayBack Machine” gives us a shot of’s final big screaming homepage: “Keeping the Health Plan You Have…The rule announced today preserves the ability of the American people to keep their current plan if they like it.”


HealthReform website screenshot

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment on the deletion of

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