Author Topic: Watch: Congressman Exposes A Shocking Obama Action That Couldn’t Be More Anti-American  (Read 454 times)

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Watch: Congressman Exposes A Shocking Obama Action That Couldn’t Be More Anti-American

"...among the most violent of the human rights abusers..."

  
Avatar of B. Christopher Agee   B. Christopher Agee — December 15, 2014


Diaz-Balart explained that the nation experienced a “constitutional crisis” during which an “anti-American dictator” attempted to extend his reign after his term in office ended.  Thanks to the vigilance of freedom-loving citizens and politicians in that nation, however, he explained that the Honduran constitution was preserved.

Many involved in that effort to depose that ruler, along with their counterparts in Venezuela who oppose the Nicholas Maduro regime, have faced opposition by the Obama administration when attempting to gain entry into the U.S., the lawmaker continued.

“A lot of those folks, President Obama’s administration will not give them visas to come to the United States,” he said. “However, he does give visas to the sons and daughters of the Castros, to members of the Maduro regime, who are among the most violent of the human rights abusers against the students and others in Venezuela who are asking and pleading and demonstrating for freedom.”

The disparate treatment allies of repressive regimes and their pro-American opponents have received from the U.S., Diaz-Balart asserted, reveals a troubling trend.

“He seems to deny visas to pro-American democratic leaders and give visas to anti-American sons and daughters or members of thug anti-American regimes.”

It appears, he concluded, that many activists are being “denied visas from coming to the United States when what they did was preserve democracy and stop and anti-American dictator from taking hold in a pro-American country like Honduras.”