Author Topic: NYPD Hispanic Society Demands De Blasio Condemn Racist Garner Protesters  (Read 279 times)

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NYPD Hispanic Society Demands De Blasio Condemn Racist Garner Protesters

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 14, 2014 @ 4:47 pm In The Point | 8 Comments

The mobs of racist Garner/Brown protesters are being falsely described as peaceful by their PR corps in the media. The reality is ugly and brutal.

NYPD officers were swarmed by protesters in a knock-down, drag-out brawl on the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday night that sent two police lieutenants to the hospital.

The president of the NYPD Hispanic Society on Sunday demanded that Mayor de Blasio and the City Council “denounce these disgraceful protests calling for dead police officers.

“Many elected officials are quick to speak out against police officers, but now that we need them to calm our city, where is their press conference on the steps of City Hall?” said the leader, Dennis Gonzalez. “Their silence is deafening. Tweets about non-violence and peaceful protests aren’t good enough.”

Instead Bill de Blasio continued supporting the racist Garner mobs.

De Blasio released a statement Saturday in which he first talked about how “peaceful” city protesters have been.

“The people of New York have provided an example to the world on how to protest, march and express themselves in a peaceful and respectful manner,” the mayor said.

They’re not the “people of New York” and their only example, like De Blasio’s example, is in how to racially divide a city, spread hate and hurt people.

“[The officers] were punched by numerous people,” said Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counter Terrorism John lMiller. “They were kicked in their face and in the head while the group attempted to steal their portable radios and tear away their police identification jackets.”

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