Author Topic: 9/11 Widow Blasts Democrats and Supports the CIA  (Read 337 times)

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9/11 Widow Blasts Democrats and Supports the CIA
« on: December 13, 2014, 01:57:07 pm »

9/11 Widow Blasts Democrats and Supports the CIA

By Onan Coca   / 13 December 2014   / 0 Comments   
In the aftermath of the highly partisan Senate “torture” report, the blowback from around the country has been severe, to say the least. Many conservatives have attacked the report for its biased nature, and Democrats have sounded off on the highly partisan and accusatory nature of the report. The media has also reported that all of this information was already known and that some of the very Democrats now attacking the CIA had previously given them support for what they were doing!

Now one of the 9/11 widows is speaking out and condemning the Democrat attack on our intelligence agencies for their actions following the 9/11 attacks. Terry Strada was on CNN where she blasted the Senate Democrats for distracting from the heart of the matter – that the terrorists attacked us on 9/11. She also explained that real torture is not waterboarding, but having to tell your children that their dad has been murdered.

“Torture is telling your children that their father was killed by terrorists on American soil and that our government isn’t standing by our side to help us go after the people that caused it.

She also said that the tactics used by the CIA were completely reasonable and should hardly be called “torture.”
“So I live in a tortured environment, and I don’t think pouring water up their nose or making them walk around naked — Doesn’t matter to me.”

“Torture is watching what happened in 9/11. Watching people jump out of buildings to save themselves – you know, to die as opposed to being burned to death… I mean the carpet was burning beneath their feet.”

“I had to listen to my husband on the phone when he called me that morning.”