Author Topic: Sharpton: I Can Be an Activist and a TV Host at the Same Time, No Problem  (Read 405 times)

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Sharpton: I Can Be an Activist and a TV Host at the Same Time, No Problem

12.04.2014 | Matt Fox | 1
Sharpton Defends Activism; Scarborough Defends Sharpton

Why is everyone so up-in-arms about the Reverend Al Sharpton’s activism? After all, he’s just responding to the requests of families in pain…at least according to Al and his close buddy/apologist, Joe Scarborough.
Sharpie took to his MSNBC show to explain that it’s perfectly reasonable for him to host a program on a so-called “news” network while still engaging in the race-baiting activist tactics that he thrives upon. He may not have worded it exactly that way.

“I’m a minister, but I don’t stay inside the pulpit. I’m a TV host. I don’t stay in the studio,” insisted the Politics Nation host. “I go out there and talk to the people. It’s easy for people to sit up in comfortable studios or in big cathedrals and lecture people. It’s different when you’re on the ground. I’m on the ground. And that’s why I can tell people, “Let’s do this the right way.””

But the defense of all things Al didn’t end there.

This morning, Joe Scarborough took it upon himself to lavish praise upon the Reverend for responding to crises like the Michael Brown/Eric Garner killings. “Al Sharpton does not go out looking for these people,” Scarborough proclaimed. “The families call him and ask him to come.”

The Morning Bro also whined that conservatives always give him “crap” for being the Rev’s friend, but honestly, he need not be concerned about that. There are plenty of other things we’re happy to give Scarby “crap” about that have nothing to do with Sharpton.