Author Topic: Mark Levin: Black Community ‘Miserable’ Under Obama And Holder [VIDEO]  (Read 273 times)

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Mark Levin: Black Community ‘Miserable’ Under Obama And Holder [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 11:03 PM 12/02/2014 In | No Comments


Talk radio host Mark Levin slammed President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder’s response to the riots in Ferguson, saying on Fox News’ “Hannity” that they were doing nothing about real problems in the black community.

“Now, this country’s being turned upside down by this president and attorney general and their surrogates. So the question is why, and I’ll tell why, among other reasons. In the black community under our first black president and our first black attorney general, it’s miserable. High unemployment, the schools stink and they oppose school choice.

What else is going on? Black-on-black crime is through the roof, nine out of ten blacks are murdered by blacks. You have gang violence in inner cities like Chicago. What are they doing about it? Nothing. When they met on Monday, did they talk about it? Not a word. What about the shop owners who were burned out in Ferguson Missouri, overwhelmingly black and Hispanic? Were they invited to speak on Monday? Nothing.

So now Obama and Holder and his surrogates are doing what? They’re undermining our police officers, all police officers regardless of race, pushing what, an agenda to nationalize local police forces. Why? Is Obama doing such a great job? He’s doing a disastrous job.

This has nothing to do with racial profiling, nothing to do with a racist cop, nothing to do with the militarization of the police force, yet this is what they burp up and spat out.”

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