Author Topic: As New York Goes Down the Toilet, Bill de Blasio Resumes War on Horses  (Read 268 times)

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As New York Goes Down the Toilet, Bill de Blasio Resumes War on Horses

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 2, 2014 @ 11:22 am In The Point | 9 Comments

There have been over 1,200 shooting victims in New York City this year. Homelessness increased 13% under Bill de Blasio. But as the city goes down the toilet, Bill de Blasio resumes a war on horses that no one, except the wealthy donor who bought him the mayorality, supports.

A year after running the city into the ground and alienating nearly everyone borough by borough, Bill de Blasio is preparing to push through a ban on Central Park’s traditional carriage horses– a ban that the majority of New Yorkers oppose.

Not only do ordinary people oppose it, but so do unions. Even Bill de Blasio’s own allies in the Working Families Party aka ACORN, oppose it.

“This is awful news to give a working family just before the holidays,”  George Miranda, president of Teamsters Joint Council 16, said. “Three hundred carriage drivers—men and women who have devoted their lives to caring for horses—will be unemployed if this bill is passed.”

The Daily News, a liberal tabloid, has been campaigning incessantly against it. So has Liam Neeson. The councilman in charge of industry oversight is against it.

There is literally no one besides the wealthy donor who bought De Blasio his election hoping to build a hotel on the space where the stables are by disguising it as an animal rights campaign, that is in support of the ban. And that donor and his front group are being investigated by the FBI.

Him and a handful of people whose idea of fun is making little girls cry.

Not to mention radical millionaire Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito whose post was also paid for by that same donor.

Maybe instead of pandering to his wealthy backer and going to war against horses, Bill de Blasio should try dealing with some of the city’s real problems.

Three people attending Brooklyn baby shower wounded in hail of bullets

Three people attending a baby shower in Brooklyn were wounded in a hail of bullets on Sunday night, police said.

A man and a woman, both 22, and a 21-year-old man were shot in a fusillade on the street in front of Remsen Hall, which was hosting the celebration, police said.

But then again De Blasio is also against Stop and Frisk which could stop tragedies like this.

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