Author Topic: Venezuela’s Jihadist Congressman Claims Hitler Only Killed Progressive Jews  (Read 500 times)

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Venezuela’s Jihadist Congressman Claims Hitler Only Killed Progressive Jews

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 29, 2014 @ 11:07 am In The Point | 8 Comments

Venezuelan politics can be described as Huey Long on crack on even the best of days. Currently under the rule of a Cuban backed Socialist who claims to be talking to the deceased Hugo Chavez in the form of a bird while rationing milk and using the army to occupy stores and give away televisions to his supporters… Venezuela is not on one of its best days.

Not helping matters any is the large number of Baathists from Syria and Iraq who form an influential emigre population in the country and have close ties to the Chavez mob.

Even by those standards Congressman Adel El Zabayar of Syria is pretty bad. He’s such a strong supporter of Assad that he flew there during the civil war claiming to have joined the army.

“Syria needs full support against these criminals,” wrote Venezuelan lawmaker Adel el-Zabayar in a letter to his country’s National Assembly this week. He was requesting indefinite leave from office in order to fight alongside the Syrian army.

“Without doubt, I’ll have a weapon,” he told TIME by telephone early on Friday morning local time from a site he said was around 50 miles south of Damascus near the city of Sweida. “I’m on the battlefield now.”

In reality, not so much.

Adel El Zabayar has no formal weapons training and is currently carrying out more administrative tasks on the battlefield, he says, alongside government fighters.

After that publicity stunt, he returned to Venezuela to do what he does best, give interviews to Hezbollah’s television station ranting about America and the Jews.

Congressman Adel El Zabayar, a member of Venezuela’s National Assembly, told the Hezbollah-sponsored Al Manar TV headquartered in Lebanon that: “In order to understand what is happening today in the Middle East and what happened in the world in the First and Second World Wars we must examine the original Zionist conspiracy.

“If we look into who financed Hitler before World War II, we will see that the main financiers were the Zionists — the Bush family, in fact. The Bush family made its fortune as a result of what happened in World War II.”

I’ll just skip over the part where Adel El Zabayar naturally equates the Bush family and Zionists. That’s a small piece of the crazy train that’s about to pull into the station.

“If you study the history of the killing of the Jews in Europe, you find that Hitler killed those Jews who belonged to progressive organizations.”

He also said: “You will not find in those lists representatives of global Zionism.”

That’s a lot of progressive organizations. In fact the majority who belonged to any organization were probably Orthodox Jews since the worst of the Holocaust took place in Eastern Europe and trapped them between the Nazis and the Communists. Plenty of Zionists, Orthodox and otherwise, died.

On Twitter, Adel El Zabayar denounced his Jewish critics as “Zionist bandits” and claimed he was “honored” by the attacks while retweeting every story that mentioned him and then retweeting them to Maduro, Venezuela’s mentally challenged leader who claims Chavez visited him in bird form.

Venezuela. Not having a good year. Or a good decade.

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