Author Topic: Big Bad Michael Brown  (Read 486 times)

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Big Bad Michael Brown
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:28:24 pm »

Big Bad Michael Brown

By David Lawrence   / 27 November 2014   / 38 Comments   

So Michael Brown is not such a good kid,

A thug of sorts

In a modern world’s disarray,

A mouth-stuffer at a McDonald’s party.


Fatty is a lack of self-restraint.

But did Brown deserve to die?

I don’t know.

I wasn’t there.


Either were you though you are laminated

In your convictions like a frame of flowers on the wall.


Did Ferguson deserve to be trashed by trash?

Did the liquor store deserve to be looted

Because a cop defended himself?

The booze had nothing to do with a loser

Who beat up an old Korean man for cigars.


Civilization goes up in smoke when punishment

Is too afraid to punish

And liberal chaos reigns.


The stores burning made the wrong statement—

That protest punishes innocent people.

As for free speech?

When the brain is small and stupid

The speech is destructive.


Shhh! Morons, quit burning your own town

As if it were an act of liberation,

Not the death of civilization.


It will not bring Michael Brown back from the dead.


It shouldn’t.

At least he didn’t burn down Ferguson like

His followers.