Author Topic: Race Baiting Democrat Angry that Cop isn't "Sorry" for Killing his Attacker  (Read 332 times)

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Race Baiting Democrat Angry that Cop isn't "Sorry" for Killing his Attacker

By Onan Coca   / 29 November 2014   / 0 Comments   
You gotta give it to liberal race-baiting Democrat Charlie Rangel of New York... he's got a schtick and he sticks with it.

He was on MSNBC Friday to demagogue Ferguson PD Officer Darren Wilson for failing to seem sorry enough about the death of Michael Brown. He joined Brown's mother in being upset about Officer Wilson not being "sorry" for what happened... as if one should apologize for defending themselves from a bigger and stronger attacker.

Rangel fails to admit that Officer Wilson did indeed say he felt sorry for the Brown family - as he understands the loss of a child brings pain. But why on earth should he feel sorry for defending his own life? He shouldn't... and we shouldn't expect him to. You know what emotion Officer Wilson likely felt when Michael Brown finally stopped charging him? Relief. In the short time they faced off, Officer Brown received several hard blows to the face as well as almost having his own gun turned on him. Then he had a rampaging behemoth of a man charging at him full speed... the cop was scared for his life and reacted as anyone else (who wanted to live) likely would have.

I don't expect him to feel "sorry" for Michael Brown - he has plenty of other things to worry about now.