Author Topic: MSNBC: The Word “Charging” is Racist  (Read 370 times)

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MSNBC: The Word “Charging” is Racist
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:09:27 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

MSNBC: The Word “Charging” is Racist

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 25, 2014 @ 9:56 pm In The Point | 21 Comments

Stand by for another urgent bulletin from the Ministry of Truth and Social Justice. Another word must be stricken from Newspeak.

MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Bloom objected to the characterization of Michael Brown’s actions as “charging” Officer Wilson, because it’s racist.

“This issue about charging,” Bloom said, “which I find to be a racially tinged offensive word in and of itself, but I would have asked him, what exactly does that mean?”

I have a few IQ points too many to be a legal analyst at MSNBC but I can hazard a guess as to what the meaning of this abstruse word might be.

First “thug” was deemed racist. Now “charging”. I can’t wait to see what new words our progressive masters will deem politically incorrect.

But now that we’ve identified “charging” as a racist term, we’ve moved one step closer to a better and more just society. Now we just need to form Twitter members to shame and bully anyone who ever talks about “charging” on social media. If we can get someone fired, that’s double the progressive points.

The only trouble is making it seem like we always knew that “charging” was racist. We have to show that we didn’t just evolve, like on gay marriage and the Redskins, but that we were always aware of the ugly racial history of the word “Charging” back to the era of slavery and segregation.

We’ll also have to tinker with our vocabulary replacing the C word with more progressive social justice friendly terms. So we no longer charge phones. We “progress” them. We don’t charge anything on a credit card. We “redistribute”. And fat criminals don’t charge at a police officer, they community organize him until he shoots them.

(Bloom is the daughter of Gloria Allred and the apple clearly doesn’t fall far from the crazy tree. She represented Michael Lohan, Tareq and Michaele Salahi and a girl who wanted to join the Boy Scouts. If you want to hire her to be your lawyer, keep in mind that the words “hire” and “lawyer” are racist. Also that Yale really will give a law degree to anyone. Literally anyone.)

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