Author Topic: Women to Face $1,000 Fine for Complaining about Men Using Ladies Restrooms  (Read 289 times)

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Women to Face $1,000 Fine for Complaining about Men Using Ladies Restrooms

Posted on November 25, 2014 by Dave Jolly Filed under Ethics, Family, Homosexuality, Liberal Bullying


Ladies, imagine how you would feel if you were using a ladies restroom and a man walked in on you. Or imagine that your high school daughter was showering and changing in the girl’s locker room after her physical education or sports class and a boy walked in on her. You would be frightened and outraged and most likely file a complaint with the store, school or whoever operates the building you are in. Then imagine that after filing your complaint that you find yourself arrested and fined up to $1,000 because of your complaint.

Welcome to the city of Cleveland, Ohio. The city council has proposed a new ordinance called the Transgender-Inclusion Bathroom and Locker Room Ordinance. Supposedly, the ordinance’s purpose is to allow transgender or gender confused people to use which ever restroom they feel more comfortable using, regardless of the rights or feelings anyone else using the same restroom.

Part of the ordinance also states that anyone or any business caught restricting or trying to restrict access to restrooms or locker rooms to any one gender can be fined up to $1,000. The way the ordinance is written, anyone who complains about someone of the opposite gender using the wrong bathroom or locker room could also be fined up to $1,000.

One local person wrote:

"So if a woman is alone in a business and sees some guy follow her into the restroom — and you know this will start to happen — and she screams and makes a huge fuss to draw attention to the male invading her privacy, SHE is the one who will get slapped with a $1000 fine? How about a privacy-respecting business owner who listens to his or her female customers? Or the grandmas who stand at the door of the public pools — with pitchforks, perhaps — to keep pedophiles out of the showers with their eight-year-old granddaughters?"

The council members behind the new ordinance claim that anyone that is opposed to the idea just needs to realize that society is changing and they need to get used to the changes. City Councilman Matt Zone commented:

"This is common sense legislation, and it's long overdue. We're in the 21st century, and it would allow Clevelanders to feel comfortable in their own environment and to use facilities that they're most comfortable with."

Actually, it will make most Clevelanders feel very uncomfortable in their own environment and less likely to use any public facilities. The Family Research Council agrees and issued a statement saying:

“Exactly which Clevelanders is he talking about? The 99 percent of locals who would have to forfeit their personal safety and First Amendment rights to comply? Or the less than 1 percent of sexually confused people who are dictating ‘morality’ to the rest?”

One Cleveland official responded to the FRC statement, saying:

“We have to get out of the mindset that someone is going into the bathroom to attack.”

His argument goes with one of the arguments raised by supporters of the ordinance that claimed that similar measures have been passed in other cities and that rapists, pedophiles and sexual predators rarely used the law for their criminal acts. But note that they do not say that no one has ever abused the ordinance to commit these horrendous crimes, they say rarely. That means that at least one innocent person has been the victim of a sexual crime because of such an ordinance and that’s one person too many.

Citizens for Community Values, a Cincinnati based group also commented about Cleveland’s ordinance, saying:

“All can agree that the safety of children and women must always come first. This proposed ordinance outrageously neglects the safety and physical and emotional health of women and children and opens up real possibilities of predators and incidents of rape, assault, public exposure and other sexual abuse.”

The bottom line is that 99% of the people are being forced to give up their rights to privacy and modesty for a very small number of sexually confused people. America was established with the concept that the majority of the people rule, but nowadays it’s the minority that are ruling and stripping away the rights of the majority.

One of the reasons this is happening more and more is that most Christians have sat on their butts and done little to nothing about these issues for the past fifty years. They sat by and allowed the Supreme Court to start stripping away their Christian values and teachings in the 1960s and they’ve continues to sit by and allow it to happen year after year. Oh, Christians complain and gripe about what’s going on but very few do anything to try to stop it or make their voices heard. And as long as they continue to sit and do nothing, we will continue to lose more and more of our rights, freedoms and values until we have none.

In the meantime I expect a growing number of our young girls and boys, wives and daughters to be sexually assaulted in public bathrooms and locker rooms in cities like Cleveland and Houston. It may not be many, but rest assured it will happen and like I said earlier, one is too many and the next victim could be someone you know and love.