Author Topic: Anti-Obama Hotel Mogul Steve Wynn Investigated by the DOJ and IRS  (Read 488 times)

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Anti-Obama Hotel Mogul Steve Wynn Investigated by the DOJ and IRS

Posted on November 21, 2014 by Gary DeMar Filed under Constitution, Crime, Economics, IRS, Law Enforcement, Liberal Bullying, Politics

Wynn Resorts, built and managed by Steve Wynn, is being investigated for possible money laundering violations. Wynn has been a vocal critic of President Obama.

Is there a connection between Wynn’s public criticisms of Obama and the Depart of Justice investigation? Wynn resorts could be guilty of wrong doing, but it all sounds a bit suspicious to me.

As we’ve seen, the IRS has been involved in squelching conservative groups by delaying their tax-exempt applications. There is no comparable stalling of liberal tax-exempt groups. The IRS investigation has been stalled, the principle participants of the scandal have stonewalled, and there have been who knows how many “lost” emails. One would think that the DOJ would be more concerned about how a government agency like the IRS is flouting the law.

Wynn had a confrontation with Obama supporter and Hollywood actor George Clooney. It became a national story. It would not have been beyond Obama, who can’t take any type of criticism, to use the DOJ to investigate Wynn’s companies:

“George Clooney had an epic blowup over President Obama with Steve Wynn in Las Vegas that ended with the actor calling Wynn “an a - - hole” and storming off as the casino mogul’s security guards got ready to pounce on him.

“Clooney came to verbal blows with the famously tough Wynn while dining at his Encore hotel with Rande Gerber.


“‘Things turned nasty as Wynn was provoking George, talking about politics. At first George just wasn’t responding. He just sat there politely listening,’ the source said. But ‘Steve kept pushing and pushing, then started raising his voice. George still didn’t respond, he really didn’t want to get into it.’

“But finally, Wynn figured out how to push the ‘Gravity’ star’s buttons. “‘Discussing Obamacare, Steve called Obama “an a - - hole,”’ said our source. “George responded, ‘President Obama is my friend, don’t talk about him like that.’ Wynn then shot back, ‘Your friend is an a - - hole!’”

Here’s what Wynn told Jon Ralston, on “Ralston Reports” just before the 2012 election: “I’m afraid of the president. I have no idea what goofy idea, what crazy, anti-business program this administration will come up with. Every business guy I know in the country is frightened of Barack Obama and the way he thinks.”

Various presidents have had an enemies list. Nixon, because he was despised by the left, was the most attacked for it. Don’t think liberal presidents don’t have a Nixonian version of such a list. And because the media keep a similar list, we will never hear stories about President Obama’s list or his attempt to silence his critics. Today’s media have a simple way of dealing with unpopular stories about this President. They refuse to report on them.

Wynn has been under scrutiny by the government soon after making his anti-Obama comments, making him a virtual political recluse:

“The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission earlier this year [2012] opened an informal inquiry of the company over potential violations of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The probe is related to a $135 million pledge by Wynn to the University of Macau Development Foundation. Defrocked Wynn shareholder Kazuo Okada questioned the validity of the donation in a lawsuit against the company.

“Gaming insiders speculate the SEC probe has silenced Wynn, forcing a self-imposed exit from the political limelight.”

As they say, follow the money, and when it comes to politics these days, follow the United States government and its pursuit of those who make money and challenge the government.

Is the Wynn investigation a warning to other would-be critics of the liberal agenda?