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Judeophobia on Full Display at UCLA
« on: November 21, 2014, 10:50:20 am »
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Judeophobia on Full Display at UCLA

Posted By Ari Lieberman On November 21, 2014 @ 12:19 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 4 Comments

Anti-Semitism on college campuses is nothing new and, partly as a result of the growing influence of groups like the Muslim Students Association (an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood) and Students for Justice in Palestine, has witnessed a sharp rise in recent years. In fact, some of today’s institutions of higher learning are among the greatest purveyors of Judeophoboia and anti-Israel sentiment.

At San Francisco State University for example, an institution subsidized by the taxpayer, Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, a pseudo professor of “Race and Resistance Studies,” was allowed (under false pretenses) to meet and collaborate with known terrorists on a university-funded excursion. And at Northeastern University, professors have been videotaped openly expressing Jew-hatred in the classroom with one professor stating quite candidly that he wears the label of anti-Semite as a badge of honor.  But when it comes to base anti-Semitic vitriol, the University of California, Los Angeles has the dubious distinction of being among the worst of the lot.

On November 18, at around the same time when Jewish worshipers were being hacked and shot to death in a Jerusalem synagogue, UCLA’s student government, by a vote of 8 to 2 with 2 abstentions, passed a resolution urging the university to divest from Israel and from American companies doing business with Israel.  Despite the fact that some 2,000 students signed a petition opposed to the pernicious measure, the student government, stacked with Judeophopes and their mindless partners in crime, acted as anti-Semites normally do and voted to target the Jews.

Last February, a similar resolution sponsored by the SJP failed by a vote of 7 to 5 provoking an embarrassing and memorable meltdown by a BDS-supporting, student note-taker. It is ironic that the instant resolution was co-sponsored by groups like Queer Alliance and Bruin Feminists for Equality. Someone should remind these useful idiots that Palestinians don’t take kindly to gays and areas governed by Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are rife with so-called “honor killings” where women are often tortured and brutalized. This strange alliance merely demonstrates that when it comes to targeting Jews, radical leftists and their Islamist allies generally find common ground and put their difference aside.

What is also ironic is that the vote comes at a time when the Muslim Middle East is imploding. While dysfunctional countries like Iran, Syria, Iraq and Egypt are devoid of any semblance of democracy and brutally subjugate their people, Israel stands as a beacon of democratic values where minorities enjoy full civil rights and where tolerance is the norm rather than an aberration. Yet the student government saw fit to disregard the facts and instead painted a broad bull’s-eye over the Jewish State.

The vote also comes on the heels of a vindictive campaign by UCLA’s honorary Brown Shirts to prevent Avi Oved, a Jewish undergraduate and economics major and former vice president of the UCLA student government, from serving as a UC Board of Regents student representative. The campaign failed, but is testament to the broad effort that the SJP is conducting to intimidate Jewish students. UCLA’s SJP’s chapter also tried to invalidate last February’s student government vote of two student government members who allegedly took sponsored trips to Israel that were allegedly subsidized by organizations affiliated with pro-Israel causes. That drive fell flat as well, but the students had to devote much time and effort defending themselves against spurious allegations laced with anti-Semitism.

Though the instant anti-Israel drive was boycotted by Jewish and pro-Israel groups, and the sad but predictable result amounts to nothing more than a publicity stunt with more bark than bite, the malevolent vote represents a black stain and a mark of shame on UCLA. Already, prominent UC alumni and donors have voiced staunch opposition to the BDS resolution and have made clear that they will cease donations to the university until it issues an unequivocal rejection and condemnation of the student government’s action.

It does appear that the pressure is having the desired effect. Just a day following the passage of the anti-Semitic resolution, Chancellor Gene Block released a statement plainly rejecting the BDS outrage, noting that it unfairly held Israel to a different standard. This axiom is of course ignored by the SJP and other Islamist and radical student groups whose platforms are ensconced in Jew-hatred and xenophobia.

While the Chancellor’s statement represents a step in the right direction, stronger action is clearly needed to stem the growing cancer of anti-Semitism that is so pervasive at UCLA. Until it is seriously addressed, we can expect more abominations from UCLA.

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