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God Bless America. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Dammit! I need some coffee! Have the day off, but still gotta get up normal time so I don't break my rhythm. If I break stride I'll wind up late for work next week.
Eggs, corned beef, grits, toast, pancakes, and a big glass of OJ, coming up.
Happy Turkey day everyone. Be grateful for what you have. I said Happy Thanksgiving to my best friend at work yesterday, and he said No. He said the wife just took the kids and left. I will be alone this year.     
I am not necessarily a sentimental guy, but that struck me. The day before Thanksgiving is a hard time to have a breakup. Made me gratful for I have today, because tomorrow, you never know, it could all blow up.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat! Drink! and be Merry! for tomorrow we shop!

Really good homemade bread, and fun to make with kids. Currently waiting for the dough to rise.
Mini yeast breads are great breads for a lot of occasions and situations. These mini loaves are perfect for kids because of the small size. The white bread mini loaf can be sliced and made into mini sandwiches for picnics. The little loaf is also simple to make and is a great recipe to teach a group of beginners. Because of its size, it’s also just right for baking in a solar oven. This recipe makes 1 mini loaf of white bread.
   1/4 cup water

* 2 tbsp milk
* 1 tsp vegetable oil
* 1/2 tsp active dry yeast
* 3/4 tsp sugar
* 1/4 tsp salt
* 1 cup bread flour, about   Prep Time: 120 minutes

* Cook Time: 40 minutes   Total Time: 160 minutes
 PREPARATION  In medium bowl, mix together the water, milk, oil, yeast, sugar, and salt.

* Slowly mix in flour until a firm dough is formed.
* Knead dough on lightly floured board for 3 minutes, adding small sprinkles of flour only as needed.
* Place dough in greased bowl. Flip dough over inside bowl so that the dough top is also lightly greased. Cover and let rise in warm place for 45 minutes.
* Turn dough out onto floured board and knead out air.
* Shape into mini loaf and place in greased mini loaf tin.
* Cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
* Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 to 50 minutes or until golden brown. Baking time will be longer if baked in solar oven.
* Remove loaf from pan and let cool on wire rack. Slice bread after it has cooled.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!...Love You All!!!!

Well mine came out great! About 12" diameter and a pound and a half in weight. The only thing was, I should have added just a little bit more salt.
Just one word to all the would be bakers, do not be stingy with the yeast. And when it is rising, you need a place as warm and humid as possible. I put the dough on top of my dryer and then threw in a load of wet clothes and turned it on. It worked great.
The dough blew up like a balloon.  Good luck.


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