Author Topic: NBC Nightly News Airs Stories on Marlins, Penicillin, Tom Brokaw But Not Gruber  (Read 316 times)

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NBC Nightly News Airs Stories on Marlins, Penicillin, Tom Brokaw But Not Gruber

Posted By David Rutz On November 19, 2014 @ 5:27 pm In Culture | No Comments

The folks at NewsBusters pointed out that NBC Nightly News has failed to air a single story on Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber and his parade of outrageous remarks about the advantage of a lack of transparency in the health care law and the “stupidity of the American voter,” among others.

What have they found more newsworthy since the first Gruber video came to light Nov. 7? Topics include cold weather, Ferguson unrest, Tom Brokaw getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a barber, Black Friday, the Ford F-150, Penicillin allergies, more cold weather, aspirin, Giancarlo Stanton, and how cold it is outside.

Four of the lead stories over the past eight weeknight Nightly News broadcasts have been either about the Arctic blast or Ferguson.

ABC World News finally broke its embargo on Gruber Tuesday night. This was after thrilling reports over the past 10 days on issues like how many germs people transfer when they kiss and the 45th anniversary of Sesame Street.

NewsBusters reported:

Instead of giving mention to Gruber on this occasion, NBC Nightly News devoted 32 seconds to the results of a study that found fewer Americans will have the need for a two-car garage in their homes as more Americans are expected to use public transit and other forms of transportation in the future and take the percentage of homes with more than two cars down to 43 percent by 2040.

Even The Daily Show got in on the act Tuesday. Jon Stewart slapped his hand to his forehead in mock frustration after showing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) denying who Gruber was before a clip of her in 2009 citing him by name for some of his economic analysis.

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