Author Topic: Jonathan Turley Named Lead Counsel for House Suit Against Obama  (Read 274 times)

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Jonathan Turley Named Lead Counsel for House Suit Against Obama
« on: November 20, 2014, 11:24:00 am »
- Washington Free Beacon - -

Jonathan Turley Named Lead Counsel for House Suit Against Obama

Posted By Stephen Gutowski On November 18, 2014 @ 1:36 pm In Politics | No Comments

Professor Jonathan Turley, who currently serves as the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, will be the lead counsel for the House of Representative’s lawsuit against the way President Obama has implemented Obamacare.

“As many on this blog are aware, I have previously testified, written, and litigated in opposition to the rise of executive power and the countervailing decline in congressional power in our tripartite system,” Turley said on his website.

“I have also spent years encouraging Congress, under both Democratic and Republican presidents, to more actively defend its authority, including seeking judicial review in separation of powers conflicts.”

“For that reason, it may come as little surprise this morning that I have agreed to represent the United States House of Representatives in its challenge of unilateral, unconstitutional actions taken by the Obama administration with respect to implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).”

Turley went on to say that he supported “national health care and voted for President Obama in his first presidential campaign,” but that “in the Madisonian system, it is as important how you do something as what you do.”

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