Author Topic: Sharpton Owes $4.5 Mil in Taxes, but his Pals are Obama and Cuomo  (Read 273 times)

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Sharpton Owes $4.5 Mil in Taxes, but his Pals are Obama and Cuomo

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 18, 2014 @ 3:49 pm In The Point | 4 Comments

Some people go to jail for tax fraud. Others get jobs badly misreading teleprompters on MSNBC. I’m not sure which is the worse fate. But Al Sharpton, with more than a little blood on his pricey suits, sniffs at such petty things as paying taxes, because look at who his pals are.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo hailed him as a civil rights icon. President Obama sent an aide to read a message commending Mr. Sharpton’s “dedication to the righteous cause of perfecting our union.” Major corporations sponsored the lavish affair.

One minor detail.

Today, Mr. Sharpton still faces personal federal tax liens of more than $3 million, and state tax liens of $777,657, according to records. Raw Talent and Revals Communications owe another $717,329 on state and federal tax liens.

What’s $4 million and change between pals? Obama hands out more than that in petty cash to Green Energy companies run by his donors.

Records reviewed by The New York Times show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses. And though he said in recent interviews that he was paying both down, his balance with the state, at least, has actually grown in recent years. His National Action Network appears to have been sustained for years by not paying federal payroll taxes on its employees.

That would be the same National Action Network at which his buddy Eric Holder appeared to complain about how mean Congress was being to him by asking him to turn over subpoena material.

That’s the corrupt country we’re living in which a dirty Attorney General goes to the forum of a man who decided to not pay taxes to complain that following the law is racist.

With the tax liability outstanding, Mr. Sharpton traveled first class and collected a sizable salary, the kind of practice by nonprofit groups that the United States Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration recently characterized as “abusive,” or “potentially criminal” if the failure to turn over or collect taxes is willful.

It’s okay. Al isn’t a Tea Party member. So there’s nothing criminal here.

We marvel at the kind of crazy corruption reported in places like Russia or Brazil, but these days we seem to be almost as bad.


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